乳腺癌幸存者面临心脏病风险增加 Survivors of breast cancer face increased risk of heart disease

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俄亥俄州克利夫兰市(2019年6月18日) – 由于先进的医学治疗,今天被诊断患有乳腺癌的女性可能不至于死于乳腺癌。然而,一些治疗方案使这些乳腺癌病人面临其他一些健康问题的风险更大。巴西的一项新研究表明,患有乳腺癌的绝经后妇女患心脏病的风险更高。该研究结果发表发表在更年期,北美更年期协会(NAMS)期刊上。




“由于化学疗法,放射疗法和使用芳香化酶抑制剂降低雌激素的毒性,心脏病更常见于接受乳腺癌治疗的女性。心脏健康的生活方式改变将降低复发性乳腺癌的风险和患有心脏病,“NAMS执行主任JoAnn Pinkerton博士说。 “在确诊乳腺癌时,女性应安排心脏病咨询,并在癌症治疗结束后继续进行随访。”


Comment: Unfortunately, many breast cancer patients do not know the risk because their oncologists never tell them about the risk induced by breast cancer treatments like radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
News Release 

Survivors of breast cancer face increased risk of heart disease

New study documents that postmenopausal women with early stage breast cancer are at much greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, and that risk continues years after breast cancer treatment

The North American Menopause Society (NAMS)

CLEVELAND, Ohio (June 18, 2019)–Thanks to advanced medical treatments, women diagnosed with breast cancer today will likely survive the disease. However, some treatment options put these women at greater risk for a number of other health problems. A new study out of Brazil shows that postmenopausal women with breast cancer are at greater risk for developing heart disease. Results are published online in Menopause, the journal of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS).

Cardiovascular disease remains the main cause of death in postmenopausal women, and women treated for breast cancer are at greater risk of developing heart disease than those not diagnosed with breast cancer. These cardiovascular effects may occur more than 5 years after radiation exposure, with the risk persisting for up to 30 years.

The goal of the new study was to compare and evaluate risk factors for cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women who are survivors of breast cancer and women without breast cancer. The researchers found that postmenopausal women who are survivors of breast cancer showed a markedly stronger association with metabolic syndrome, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertriglyceridemia, and abdominal obesity, which are major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The risk of cardiovascular mortality similarly increased to match death rates from the cancer itself.

Findings were published in the article “High risk for cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors.”

Heart disease appears more commonly in women treated for breast cancer because of the toxicities of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and use of aromatase inhibitors, which lower estrogen. Heart-healthy lifestyle modifications will decrease both the risk of recurrent breast cancer and the risk of developing heart disease,” says Dr. JoAnn Pinkerton, NAMS executive director. “Women should schedule a cardiology consultation when breast cancer is diagnosed and continue with ongoing follow-up after cancer treatments are completed.”

For more information about menopause and healthy aging, visit http://www.menopause.org.


Founded in 1989, The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) is North America’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the health and quality of life of all women during midlife and beyond through an understanding of menopause and healthy aging. Its multidisciplinary membership of 2,000 leaders in the field–including clinical and basic science experts from medicine, nursing, sociology, psychology, nutrition, anthropology, epidemiology, pharmacy, and education–makes NAMS uniquely qualified to serve as the definitive resource for health professionals and the public for accurate, unbiased information about menopause and healthy aging. To learn more about NAMS, visit http://www.menopause.org.

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