Press-pulse: a novel therapeutic strategy for the metabolic management of cancer 癌症代謝管理的新治療策略

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

This article was originally published on Nutrition & Metabolism.

文章中介绍的治疗策略已经帮助了许多癌症患者,当然,即使生物饮食甚至一般的代谢治疗不是能帮所有的癌症患者消除癌症。 在许多情况下,当使用代谢治疗或生酮饮食时,可能还需要诸如手术,化学疗法或甚至辐射的传统治疗方法。 然而,所有使用生酮饮食的患者都受益于这种饮食。 我们将看看我们能否翻译本文的一部分以便讲汉语的观众可以了解一个大概。 如果你可以在这方面提供帮助,请联系我们

The therapeutic strategy introduced in the article has helped many cancer patients even though ketogenic diet even the metabolic therapies do not work in all cancer patients. In many cases, when a metabolic therapy or ketogenic diet is used, traditional treatments like surgery, chemotherapy or even radiation may be needed. However, all patients who followed the ketogenic diet benefited from this diet. We will see if we can translate the most of the article for those Chinese-speaking audience. If someone can help in this regard, please let us know.

Nutrition & Metabolism

Press-pulse: a novel therapeutic strategy for the metabolic management of cancer

  • Thomas N. Seyfried Email author,
  • George Yu,
  • Joseph C. Maroon and
  • Dominic P. D’Agostino
Nutrition & Metabolism201714:19

Received: 29 September 2016

Accepted: 17 February 2017

Published: 23 February 2017



A shift from respiration to fermentation is a common metabolic hallmark of cancer cells. As a result, glucose and glutamine become the prime fuels for driving the dysregulated growth of tumors. The simultaneous occurrence of “Press-Pulse” disturbances was considered the mechanism responsible for reduction of organic populations during prior evolutionary epochs. Press disturbances produce chronic stress, while pulse disturbances produce acute stress on populations. It was only when both disturbances coincide that population reduction occurred.


This general concept can be applied to the management of cancer by creating chronic metabolic stresses on tumor cell energy metabolism (press disturbance) that are coupled to a series of acute metabolic stressors that restrict glucose and glutamine availability while also stimulating cancer-specific oxidative stress (pulse disturbances). The elevation of non-fermentable ketone bodies protect normal cells from energy stress while further enhancing energy stress in tumor cells that lack the metabolic flexibility to use ketones as an efficient energy source. Mitochondrial abnormalities and genetic mutations make tumor cells vulnerable metabolic stress.


The press-pulse therapeutic strategy for cancer management is illustrated with calorie restricted ketogenic diets (KD-R) used together with drugs and procedures that create both chronic and intermittent acute stress on tumor cell energy metabolism, while protecting and enhancing the energy metabolism of normal cells.


Optimization of dosing, timing, and scheduling of the press-pulse therapeutic strategy will facilitate the eradication of tumor cells with minimal patient toxicity. This therapeutic strategy can be used as a framework for the design of clinical trials for the non-toxic management of most cancers.


Glucose Glutamine Mitochondria KETONE bodies Diet Warburg effect Cancer metabolismGlutaminolysis Hyperbaric oxygen

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