Enlist antiangiogenic foods to fight your cancer 通过抑制血管形成来减缓癌症生长的食物

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

Foods that slow cancer growth by inhibiting the formation of blood vessels

Dr. William Li, a well known physician and cancer researcher, lists on his website the following foods as foods that help inhibit angiogenesis or simply angio.  The list is not a complete list of antiangiogenic foods.  Many other foods can help too, but Dr. Li does not list all on  his website.

Green tea, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, apples, pineapple, cherries, red wine, bok choy, kale, soy beans, ginseng, maitake mushroom, licorice, turmeric, nutmeg, artichokes, red grapes, lavender, pumpkin sea cucumber, tuna, parsley, garlic, tomato, olive oil, grape seed oil, dark chocolate.

Angio is a blood vessel formation process.  Cancer growth relies on the nutrient supply through blood vessels.  If there are no formation of new blood vessels, then cancer cells can die.  Antiangiogenesis drugs have already been on the market.  But it is relatively a new concept that foods that can help fight cancer by inhibiting the formation of blood vessels.

Dr. Li has recently published a book titled “Eat to Beat Disease” which details how foods can be enlisted to fight diseases including cancer.  Too much of angio is not a problem with cancer only, but also many other diseases like diabetes.

The following was added on July 5, 2020

Enlist antiangiogenic foods to fight your cancer

Cancer or tumor mass may grow to the size of 1-mm in diameter without obtaining nutrients through blood vessels, which are formed through a process called angiogenesis – blood vessels generation.

According to Angiogenesis Foundation, the following foods process antiangiogenic compounds.

Green tea, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, oranges, grapefruit, lemon, apple, pineapple, cherries, red grapes, bok choy, kale, red wine, soy beans, ginseng, maitake mushroom, licorice, turmeric, nutmeg, artichokes, lavender, pumpkin, sea cucumber, tuna, parsley, garlic, tomato, olive oil, grape seed oil, dark chocolate.

I personally do not want to use red wine because of alcohol and dark chocolate because of fat and sugar. Also do not overuse olive oil and tuna. Another important factor to watch is the amount of a food you use. Dosage makes the difference. Just because they contain antiangiogenic properties, does not mean that eating little to nothing of one of the food would cure your cancer.

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