People with early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma face a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than from cancer | 早期霍奇金淋巴瘤患者死於心血管疾病的風險高於死於癌症的風險

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。
Editor’s note:  Conventional cancer treatments pose  a great risk of lethal heart disease.  Many people do not realize that cancer treatments can directly harm the heart. 
編者註:傳統的癌症治療會導致致命性心髒病的巨大風險。 許多人沒有意識到癌症治療會直接傷害心臟。
News Release

More effective measures are needed to safeguard survivors’ heart health

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Treatment advances have improved the survival of individuals with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL)—a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system—but therapies can increase patients’ risk of developing heart problems. A recent study published by Wiley online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, reveals that people with early-stage HL are now at higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than from cancer.

The multicenter study included 15,889 children and adults in the United States who were diagnosed with HL between 1983 and 2015. “We conducted this study because cardiovascular disease may be the most common non-malignant long-term complication and a prevalent cause for non-malignant death following treatment in HL survivors,” said senior author Caiwen Ou, MD, PhD, of Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, China.

Prof. Ou and colleagues found that among patients with stage I and stage II classic HL, the proportion of deaths from cardiovascular disease exceeded the proportion of deaths from classic HL after approximately 60 and 120 months of follow-up, respectively. Also, the cumulative incidence of cardiovascular disease mortality exceeded that of HL and other cancers over time. In recent decades, the risk of mortality from classic HL declined sharply, but the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality among patients with classic HL declined slowly or even remained unchanged among some groups.

The analysis also revealed that patients with stage I or stage II classic HL experienced a higher risk of cardiovascular disease mortality than the general population at almost all follow-up intervals.

“Our results indicate that more effective measures are needed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease-related deaths in classic HL survivors,” said co-author Weijing Feng, MD, PhD.

Additional Information

NOTE: The information contained in this release is protected by copyright. Please include journal attribution in all coverage. A free abstract of this article will be available via the Cancer News Room upon online publication. For more information or to obtain a PDF of any study, please contact:

Dawn Peters +1 781-388-8408 (US)
[email protected]

Full Citation:

“Long-term risk of cardiovascular disease mortality among classic Hodgkin lymphoma survivors.” Zhenxing Lu, Yintong Teng, Xiaodong Ning, Hao Wang, Weijing Feng, and Caiwen Ou. CANCER; Published Online: July 25, 2022 (DOI: 10.1002/cncr.34375).

URL Upon Publication:

About the Journal
CANCER is a peer-reviewed publication of the American Cancer Society integrating scientific information from worldwide sources for all oncologic specialties. The objective of CANCER is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of information among oncologic disciplines concerned with the etiology, course, and treatment of human cancer. CANCER is published on behalf of the American Cancer Society by Wiley and can be accessed online.

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