Beta-cutaneous HPV may be predictor of squamous cell carcinoma β-皮膚 HPV 可能是鱗狀細胞癌的預測因子

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。
Editor’s note:  Certain strains of HPV are known to be carcinogenic.  In most cases, infection with most types of HVP if not all can be eradicated by human natural immunity.  However, those who cannot rid of the virus will have to subject to the chronic damage induced by the virus which could eventually lead to the development of cancer.  because in many cases, we do not know whether or not we carry certain types of dangerous viruses, it is very important for us to maintain a strong immune defense system.  A healthy diet/adequate supplementation and a general healthy lifestyle can help in that respect.
編者按:已知某些 HPV 菌株具有致癌性。 在大多數情況下,人類自然免疫可以根除大多數類型的 HVP 感染。 然而,那些無法擺脫病毒的人將不得不遭受病毒引起的慢性損害,最終可能導致癌症的發展。 因為在很多情況下,我們不知道自己是否攜帶了某些類型的危險病毒,所以保持強大的免疫防禦系統對我們來說非常重要。 健康的飲食/充足的補充劑和一般健康的生活方式可以在這方面有所幫助。
News Release

Moffitt researchers show beta-cutaneous HPV may be predictor of squamous cell carcinoma

Study finds this HPV type and UV exposure increase skin cancer risk

Peer-Reviewed Publication

H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute

TAMPA, Fla. — Keratinocyte carcinomas, including basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, are the most common types of cancer in the United States, with approximately 5.4 million cases diagnosed each year. Despite their low mortality rate, keratinocyte carcinomas are associated with significant medical problems caused by treatment and health care costs. Therefore, new biomarkers are needed to aid in identifying patients at risk of developing keratinocyte carcinomas. In a new article published online ahead of print in the journal Cancer Research, Moffitt Cancer Center researchers demonstrate a link between the presence of cutaneous human papillomavirus and the incidence of squamous cell carcinomas and identify key characteristics of infection that may contribute to development of the disease.

The identification of biomarkers that are associated with the development of keratinocyte carcinomas is an important component of disease management. This can pinpoint patients who may be at a higher risk of cancer and help promote individualized prevention strategies, such as more frequent or specialized skin cancer screenings. Previous studies have suggested that infections with cutaneous HPV may also be associated with keratinocyte carcinoma development; however, these studies had several limitations and were not conclusive.

“Unlike mucosal HPV types known to cause cervical, head and neck and anogenital cancers, the role of cutaneous HPV types in the development of cancer is less clear,” said Dana Rollison, Ph.D., lead study investigator and associate center director of Data Science at Moffitt.

Moffitt researchers wanted to analyze the potential contribution of cutaneous HPV to keratinocyte carcinoma development. They looked at biomarkers of past and recent infection with cutaneous HPV beta and gamma types, as well as recent ultraviolet light exposure.

The researchers recruited 1,008 participants age 60 or older. The participants had blood, eyebrow hair and forearm skin swabs taken and analyzed for the presence of cutaneous HPV. The patients underwent total body skin examinations every six to 12 months and were monitored for a median of 792 days for the development of new basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas.

The results showed that the presence of beta-HPV at baseline, particularly in the skin swabs, significantly predicted the development of squamous cell carcinomas; however, the presence of antibodies to beta-HPV, which indicates past HPV infections, was not associated with squamous cell carcinomas. Interestingly, the researchers found that most of the beta-HPV types found in the skin swabs were not present in the squamous cell carcinoma tumors that eventually developed. Additionally, they discovered that less than 5% of squamous cell carcinoma tumors contained beta-HPV types, but those that contained beta-HPV occurred more frequently in areas of UV skin damage compared to squamous cell carcinoma tumors without beta-HPV, suggesting that UV exposure and HPV may act in a cooperative manner to promote squamous cell carcinoma development. The researchers did not find any links between beta-HPV and the development of basal cell carcinomas or between gamma-HPV and the development of squamous cell or basal cell carcinomas.

These combined observations suggest that beta-HPV could ultimately prove to be a useful biomarker to help identify people at an increased risk of developing cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas.

This study was supported by the National Cancer Institute (R01 CA177586, P30 CA076292).

About Moffitt Cancer Center
Moffitt is dedicated to one lifesaving mission: to contribute to the prevention and cure of cancer. The Tampa-based facility is one of only 51 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, a distinction that recognizes Moffitt’s scientific excellence, multidisciplinary research, and robust training and education. Moffitt’s expert nursing staff is recognized by the American Nurses Credentialing Center with Magnet® status, its highest distinction. With more than 7,500 team members, Moffitt has an economic impact in the state of $2.4 billion. For more information, call 1-888-MOFFITT (1-888-663-3488), visit, and follow the momentum on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube


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