如何降低感染covid-19和死於病毒感染的風險? How to reduce risk of contracting covid-19 and dyeing from the viral infection?

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Be aware of the facts listed as follows:

  1. The virus may not induce any symptoms in some people who are the silent carriers that can spread the virus to many people without anyone knowing anything about it.
  2. The covid-19 pandemic may last a couple of years until 66% of the population get infected. In the U.S., an estimated 230 million people will get infected and 13.8 million people will die.
  3. This pandemic will not disappear during the summer.
  4. There is no sure safe treatments. The protocol proposed by the New York Jewish doctor is not safe and adverse effects can be more than tolerable.
  5. Covid-19 may not get completely cured. The infection may revive in patients. And antibody developed in patients may not prevent re-infection. In other words, antibodies to covid-19 virus can be short lived, and may be effective in days or weeks.
  6. The infection can leads to severe adverse effects in many organs including reproductive organs and death, particularly in elderly people, patients with heart disease, diabetes, hypertension. If a patient recovers from the infection, the damage may have been caused.
  7. Patients who recover from covid-19 can still carry the virus for as long as a few months.
  8. Ventilators do not help once a patient is found in need of resorting a ventilator. New studies show that 88% of patients who used ventilators died from covid-19.
  9. Luckily, many things you can reduce your risk of getting the infection. Nutritional supplements and a good healthy life style can help reduce the risk of getting infected and even if you get it, these preventative measures can help minimize the damage the virus can do to you.
  10. Vitamins that help include high doses of vitamin D, high doses of vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids and sodium bicarbonate.
  11. A good healthy lifestyle includes eating nutritious foods, avoid processed foods, drink a lot clean water, avoid stress and reduce fatigue, have sufficient sleep, and take sunbath often.
  12. A good behavior pattern include not gathering for party, wearing a mask in public, do not touch face, particularly, eyes, nose and mouth, practice social distancing, wash hands often and do not use bare hands to grab foods.
  13. Be positive. And enjoy life. Always remember that you are not living in the world forever. Death is part of your life. Do not overly fear the covid 19 disease.


    感染可能導致包括生殖器官在內的許多器官的嚴重不良反應和死亡,特別是在老年人, 男性,心髒病,糖尿病,高血壓患者中。如果患者從感染中恢復過來,則可能是造成了損害。
    要樂觀。享受生活。永遠記住,你不會永遠生活在這個世界上。死亡是你生命的一部分。不要過分擔心covid 19病。

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