小剂量酮饮食最有效 diet works best in small doses

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纽黑文(New Haven)CT:耶鲁大学的研究人员在小鼠研究中发现,一种生酮饮食-从脂肪中提供99%的卡路里,而从碳水化合物中仅提供1%的卡路里-在短期内可产生健康益处,但约一周后会产生负面影响。


由于包括格温妮丝·帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow),勒布朗·詹姆斯(Lebron James)和金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)等名人都将酮饮食视为减肥方案,酮饮食已变得越来越受欢迎。

在1月20日出版的《自然代谢》(Nature Metabolism)上发表的耶鲁研究中,研究人员发现,饮食的正面和负面影响均与称为伽马三角洲T细胞的免疫细胞有关,这种免疫细胞可降低糖尿病和发炎的风险。

耶鲁医学院的主要作者Vishwa Deep Dixit说,酮饮食会欺骗人体燃烧脂肪。由于饮食中碳水化合物的含量低而使人体的葡萄糖水平降低时,人体的行为就好像处于饥饿状态(尽管并非如此),并开始燃烧脂肪而不是碳水化合物。反过来,此过程会产生称为酮体的化学物质,作为替代燃料。当身体燃烧酮体时,具有组织保护作用的γ-δT细胞会在整个身体内膨胀。

Waldemar Von Zedtwitz比较医学和免疫生物学教授Dixit说,这降低了糖尿病风险和炎症,并改善了人体的新陈代谢。他说,经过一个星期的酮饮食,老鼠的血糖水平和炎症降低了。






“肥胖症和2型糖尿病是生活方式疾病,” Dixit说。 “饮食使人们可以掌控一切。”






Keto diet works best in small doses, Yale researchers find


New Haven CT: A ketogenic diet — which provides 99% of calories from fat and only 1% from carbohydrates — produces health benefits in the short term, but negative effects after about a week, Yale researchers found in a study of mice.

The results offer early indications that the keto diet could, over limited time periods, improve human health by lowering diabetes risk and inflammation. They also represent an important first step toward possible clinical trials in humans.

The keto diet has become increasingly popular as celebrities, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Lebron James, and Kim Kardashian, have touted it as a weight-loss regimen.

In the Yale study, published in the Jan. 20 issue of Nature Metabolism, researchers found that the positive and negative effects of the diet both relate to immune cells called gamma delta T-cells, tissue-protective cells that lower diabetes risk and inflammation.

A keto diet tricks the body into burning fat, said lead author Vishwa Deep Dixit of the Yale School of Medicine. When the body’s glucose level is reduced due to the diet’s low carbohydrate content, the body acts as if it is in a starvation state — although it is not — and begins burning fats instead of carbohydrates. This process in turn yields chemicals called ketone bodies as an alternative source of fuel. When the body burns ketone bodies, tissue-protective gamma delta T-cells expand throughout the body.

This reduces diabetes risk and inflammation, and improves the body’s metabolism, said Dixit, the Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Comparative Medicine and of Immunobiology. After a week on the keto diet, he said, mice show a reduction in blood sugar levels and inflammation.

But when the body is in this “starving-not-starving” mode, fat storage is also happening simultaneously with fat breakdown, the researchers found. When mice continue to eat the high-fat, low-carb diet beyond one week, Dixit said, they consume more fat than they can burn, and develop diabetes and obesity.

“They lose the protective gamma delta T-cells in the fat,” he said.

Long-term clinical studies in humans are still necessary to validate the anecdotal claims of keto’s health benefits.

“Before such a diet can be prescribed, a large clinical trial in controlled conditions is necessary to understand the mechanism behind metabolic and immunological benefits or any potential harm to individuals who are overweight and pre-diabetic,” Dixit said.

There are good reasons to pursue further study: According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 84 million American adults — or more than one out of three — have prediabetes (increased blood sugar levels), putting them at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. More than 90% of people with this condition don’t know they have it.

“Obesity and type 2 diabetes are lifestyle diseases,” Dixit said. “Diet allows people a way to be in control.”

With the latest findings, researchers now better understand the mechanisms at work in bodies sustained on the keto diet, and why the diet may bring health benefits over limited time periods.

“Our findings highlight the interplay between metabolism and the immune system, and how it coordinates maintenance of healthy tissue function,” said Emily Goldberg, the postdoctoral fellow in comparative medicine who discovered that the keto diet expands gamma-delta T cells in mice.

If the ideal length of the diet for health benefits in humans is a subject for later studies, Dixit said, discovering that keto is better in small doses is good news, he said: “Who wants to be on a diet forever?”


The research was funded in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health.

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