A tool commonly used in nail salons can up cancer risk | 美甲沙龍常用的工具可能會增加患癌症的風險

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A tool commonly used in nail salons can up cancer risk

Ultraviolet rays (UV rays) emitted from nail dryers commonly used in nail salons to help fix routine gel manicures can damage human skin DNA and induce cancer-causing mutations, a study has found.  IN other words, exposure to such light from the dryer can increase skin cancer risk.

The findings reported in January in the journal Nature Communications confirms early concern about the risk of exposure to UV rays from any source.  Some dermatologists have already suggested the way gel manicures get dried should be changed or this practice should be avoided.

“These findings add to already published data on the harmful effects of (ultraviolet) radiation and show that direct cell death and tissue damage may contribute to skin cancer,” said Julia Curtis, an assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Utah who was not involved in the study.

“Tanning beds have been listed as carcinogens, and UV manicure lamps are mini nail tanning beds for gel nails,” said Julia Curtis.

According to the UCAR Center for Science Education, ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation with its wavelength spectrum ranging 10 to 400 nanometers.

Ultraviolet A light (315 to 400 nanometer wavelength) in sunlight is known to be able penetrate deeper into the skin and has been used in UV nail dryers, particularly more so in the past 10 years.

Tanning beds, according to the study’s press release, use UV rays with wavelengths from 280 to 400 nanometers, while nail dryers use UV rays with wavelengths spanning between 340 and 395 nanometers.

“If you look at the way these devices were introduced, they were advertised as safe and nothing to worry about,” corresponding author Ludmil Alexandrov,  an associate professor of bioengineering and of cellular and molecular medicine at the University of California, San Diego, said in a press release.

Aleksandrov believes that this is the first study of the sort even conducted thus far, which reveals the risk of these devices can pose a damaging effect on human cells at the molecular and cellular levels.

For the study, the researchers exposed human and mouse cells to ultraviolet light and found that 20-minute exposures led to the death of 20 to 30 percent of the cells, and three consecutive 20-minute exposures killed 65 to 70 percent of the exposed cells.  The survived cells suffered mitochondrial and DNA damage, causing mutations, in a pattern that has been already observed in skin cancers of humans.

Julie Russak, dermatologist and founder of the Russak Dermatology Clinic in New York City, who was not involved in the study, said one major limitation of the study was exposing the cell lines to ultraviolet light.  So this is an in vitro study which was based on a cell culture but not on living humans and animals.

“When we do (radiation) on human hands, there is definitely a difference,” Rusak said. “Most of the UV radiation is absorbed by the surface layer of the skin. It’s a little bit different when you’re directly irradiating cells in a dish. The skin, the keratinocytes, or the epidermis provide no protection. It’s very direct UV exposure.”

Nevertheless, combining this study with previous evidence reminds us that “absolutely Exposing our hands and fingers to UV lamps should be considered more seriously.”  Early studies have linked exposure to UVA dryers to development of squamous cell carcinoma.

Experts suggest that some measures can be taken to reduce the risk of the skin getting damaged by nail dryers.

“Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with zinc and titanium around your nails, and wear UV-resistant gloves with clipped fingertips when treating your nails,” says Curtis. “I would also recommend gel nail alternatives, such as Nail stickers you can buy online.”

Not all nail salons use UV rays based nail dryers.   Lipner was cited as saying that some salons in the United States and Canada use LED lights instead, “People think that this kind of light either does not emit ultraviolet light, or emits a much smaller amount of ultraviolet light.”

“Ordinary manicures only need to be dried in the air.” She said that she only does ordinary manicures. “Gel manicures must be sealed, and the polymers in the polish must be activated, so they can only be done with UVA lamps.”


美甲店常见 研究称这种仪器存致癌风险

一項研究發現,美甲沙龍常用來幫助修復常規凝膠美甲的指甲烘乾機發出的紫外線(UV 射線)會損害人體皮膚 DNA 並誘發致癌突變。 換句話說,暴露於烘乾機發出的此類光線會增加患皮膚癌的風險。

一月份發表在《自然通訊》雜誌上的研究結果證實了人們對暴露於任何來源的紫外線風險的早期擔憂。 一些皮膚科醫生已經建議改變凝膠美甲的干燥方式或避免這種做法。

猶他大學皮膚病學助理教授朱莉婭·柯蒂斯 (Julia Curtis) 表示:“這些發現補充了已經發表的有關(紫外線)輻射有害影響的數據,並表明直接細胞死亡和組織損傷可能會導致皮膚癌。” 參與研究。



眾所周知,陽光中的紫外線 A 光(波長 315 至 400 納米)能夠深入皮膚,並已用於紫外線指甲烘乾機,尤其是在過去 10 年。

根據該研究的新聞稿,日光浴床使用波長為 280 至 400 納米的紫外線,而指甲烘乾機使用波長為 340 至 395 納米的紫外線。

通訊作者、加州大學聖地亞哥分校生物工程及細胞和分子醫學副教授 Ludmil Alexandrov 表示:“如果你看看這些設備的推出方式,就會發現它們被宣傳為安全且無需擔心。” 在新聞稿中。


在這項研究中,研究人員將人類和小鼠細胞暴露在紫外線下,發現暴露 20 分鐘會導致 20% 至 30% 的細胞死亡,而連續 3 次 20 分鐘的暴露會殺死 65% 至 70% 的暴露細胞 。 倖存的細胞遭受線粒體和 DNA 損傷,導致突變,這種模式已經在人類皮膚癌中觀察到。

紐約市 Russak 皮膚病診所的皮膚科醫生兼創始人 Julie Russak 沒有參與這項研究,她說這項研究的一個主要限制是將細胞系暴露在紫外線下。 因此,這是一項基於細胞培養的體外研究,而不是基於活體人類和動物。

“當我們對人手進行(輻射)時,肯定會有差異,”魯薩克說。 “大部分紫外線輻射被皮膚表層吸收。當你直接照射培養皿中的細胞時,情況有點不同。皮膚、角質形成細胞或表皮不提供保護。這是非常直接的紫外線照射 ”。

儘管如此,將這項研究與之前的證據結合起來提醒我們,“絕對應該更認真地考慮將我們的手和手指暴露在紫外線燈下。” 早期研究已將暴露於 UVA 乾燥機與鱗狀細胞癌的發生聯繫起來。


柯蒂斯說:“在指甲周圍使用含有鋅和鈦的廣譜防曬霜,並在護理指甲時戴上剪斷指尖的防紫外線手套。” “我還會推薦凝膠指甲替代品,例如可以在網上購買的指甲貼。”

並非所有美甲沙龍都使用基於紫外線的指甲烘乾機。 利普納稱,美國和加拿大的一些沙龍改用LED燈,“人們認為這種燈要么不發射紫外線,要么發射的紫外線量少得多。”

“普通的美甲只需在空氣中晾乾即可。” 她說她只做普通的美甲。 “凝膠美甲必須密封,並且拋光劑中的聚合物必須被激活,因此只能使用 UVA 燈來完成。”

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