Propionic Acid May Increase risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder 丙酸可能增加自閉症譜系障礙的風險

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

Propionic acid or its salt propionate is often used to preserve foods. Anything that preserve foods processes some toxicity. In any case, anything that shows up in a food that is not supposed to show up can pose a risk to health.

丙酸或其鹽丙酸常用於保存食物。 任何保存食物的東西都含有一些毒性。 在任何情況下,任何出現在食物中,不應該出現,可能會對健康造成風險。

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