Herd immunity does not work for Covid 19 牛群免疫不適用於Covid 19

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Herd immunity does not seem working for the prevention of Sars-Cov-2 (covid 19) pandemic. A recent study conducted in Spain and published in the Lancet suggests that herd immunity “cannot be achieved without accepting the collateral damage of many deaths in the susceptible population and overburdening of health systems.

If the population does not take preventative measures such as wearing masks and keeping social distance, the herd immunity, when achieved, won’t save any life. This is because at that time, people who are at risk of death from the Covid-19 disease will have died, and people who are not prone to lethal outcome won’t have to die.

Opening schools without due protection or social gathering can be disastrous. The disease covid 19 can cause permanent damages in patients even after a complete recovery.

Herd immunity is a concept that some people propose to stop the spreading of a contagious infection. In cases like Covid 19 disease, naturally achieving herd immunity don’t save any life as proved in the Spain study. This could scare some people to get vaccinated.

Could covid 19 vaccines work? Just remember that the efficacy of any vaccine is in no way near what is desired. Worst part is, as evidence suggests, any vaccine could come with some substances that mean to destroy a person health. Some vaccines used in Africa and India can actually destroy people’s fertility. As some media outlets claim, some powerful people who promote vaccination want to reduce the world population.

Some immunologists like Danny Altmann said that it is not easy for people to develop immunity against Covid 19. Even if it is developed, it won’t last long and people can get infected with the virus again. This means vaccines will not work for this viral infection.




牛群免疫是一些人提出的阻止傳染性疾病傳播的概念。在西班牙的研究中證明,在像Covid 19病這樣的情況下,自然獲得畜群免疫力不能挽救任何生命。這可能會嚇到一些人接種疫苗。

只需記住, 在大多數情況下,疫苗的功效都不會接近所需的功效。證據表明,最糟糕的是,任何疫苗都可能帶有某些會破壞人體健康的物質。非洲和印度使用的某些疫苗實際上可以破壞人們的生育能力。正如一些媒體所宣稱的那樣,一些促進疫苗接種的有實力的人希望減少世界人口。

像丹尼·阿爾特曼(Danny Altmann)這樣的一些免疫學家說,人們很難對Covid 19產生免疫力。即使它被開發出來,它也不會持續很長時間,而且人們可能再次感染該病毒。 這意味著疫苗不適用於這種病毒感染。

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