Riding bicycles hurts sex organs 研究发现骑自行车会伤害性器官

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Riding bicycle can hurt sex organs, it is true both for men and women, according to many studies.

Norwegian scientists surveyed 160 men who participated in a 324-mile bike tour. They found about 20% men experienced numbness of the penis, and about 13% men developed erectile dysfunction.

U.S. scientists evaluated 17 policemen who rode bike for their jobs in Cincinnati, Ohio. They rode about 5 hours and 30 minutes on average every day. The scientists found that almost all of them had genital numbness from time to time. Those who rode the most had high risk for erectile dysfunction.

Riding ding bike does not inflict harm on men only. Women who ride bike decrease their genital sensation, compared to those who do not ride.

If the bike seat is narrow, the press against genitals can be much higher, and the cycling can cause more harm.

You may argue that if I do not ride bike that often, I would be okay. While it is true that the less you ride bike, the less harm you will experience, occasionally cycling cannot be harmless. Because one incident would be enough to hurt your part and make you regret it forever in your adulthood.

As always, some people and organizations will tell you it is no harm to ride bicycles. If no one rides bikes, then the companies that manufacture bikes will go bankrupt.


纽约时报报导,骑自行车正在破坏您的阴道和伤害您的性生活 。 哈佛大学报道,骑自行车会导致男性勃起功能障碍。



骑单车不仅会伤害男人。与不骑自行车的女性相比,骑自行车的女性会降低其生殖器感觉 。

如果自行车座椅狭窄,则对生殖器的压力可能会更高,骑自行车会造成更大的伤害 。

騎自行車會對仍在成長的兒童造成更多傷害。 結果,騎自行車可能會給他們的成人性生活帶來麻煩。

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