What is wrong with google? dental complaints disappear? 谷歌有什麼問題? 牙科投訴消失了嗎?

中文版谷歌中文翻譯(90% 準確率) | English translation
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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

When you search with dental complaint or consumer complaint, all you get would be the websites of governments, state or federal, or web sites of dental organizations?  Where is the voice from dental patients?

谷歌有什麼問題? 牙科投訴消失了嗎?

當您搜索牙科投訴或消費者投訴時,您得到的只是政府、州或聯邦的網站,還是牙科組織的網站? 牙科患者的聲音在哪裡?

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