Your dentist can do more harm than good to your teeth | 牙醫對您的牙齒弊大於利

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If you naively think that all dentists are there to help you prevent or treat your dental issues, then you are just too naive.   Be advised that some dentists are either not skillful enough to adequately treat your dental problems, or they are there to cause more dental issues which can lead to destruction of some teeth if not all.  They do this for their income.  In the name of treating your dental problems, they can cause dental issue through their treatment.

A few things to consider:

Dental cleaning.   Dental cleaning can damage teeth which ultimately lead to cavity and loss of teeth.  The tools they use and how they use them all make some difference.  Overall, the practice does more harm to good.  It is not just that they want to make money by cleaning your teeth.  It is to create more dental problems and thus more future business.

Dental cavity.   Not all dentists are ill-minded.  But some are either incompetent or they cause new issues intentionally when they fix your dental cavity.  A good dentist should seal your cavity completely with glue and filling materials.  Any unfilled part of the dental cavity will be the root of future dental cavities.  This will lead to a need for repeated fixing of dental cavities.  They eventually lead to other problems.

The surface of dental fillings in a filled dental cavity should be smooth and there should be no chance for foods to get stuck between teeth because of the fillings.  Some dentists could not get fillings smoothened.  When flossing, you can feel the surface or coarse enough not to allow you floss.

If you feel your dentist cannot fix your dental caries, leave him or her for another one.

如果您天真地認為所有牙醫都可以幫助您預防或治療牙齒問題,那您就太天真了。 請注意,有些牙醫要么不夠熟練,無法充分治療您的牙齒問題,要么他們在那裡會引起更多的牙齒問題,這可能導致部分牙齒(如果不是全部)被破壞。 他們這樣做是為了他們的收入。 以治療牙齒問題的名義,他們可能會通過治療引起牙齒問題。


牙齒清潔。 洗牙會損壞牙齒,最終導致蛀牙和牙齒脫落。 他們使用的工具和使用方式都有所不同。 總的來說,這種做法弊大於利。 他們不僅僅是想通過洗牙來賺錢。 這是為了創造更多的牙齒問題,從而創造更多的未來業務。

牙腔。 並不是所有的牙醫都是壞心眼的。 但是有些人要么不稱職,要么在修復您的牙腔時故意引起新問題。 一個好的牙醫應該用膠水和填充材料完全封閉你的蛀牙。 任何未填充的空洞部分都將成為未來蛀牙的根源。 這將導致需要重複固定牙洞。 它們最終會導致其他問題。

填滿後的牙腔內的牙科填充物表面應光滑,食物不應因填充物而卡在牙齒之間。 一些牙醫無法使填充物變光滑。 使用牙線時,您可以感覺到表面或足夠粗糙以至於不允許您使用牙線。


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