產品/服務推薦 -Product recommendation

We like the following products and services.  Highly recommended.

1) Italkbb.com provides excellent home phone services, Chinese TV programs, and home security monitoring services. Particularly good for Chinese, Korea and other Asian families in US and Canada that have connection in Asia.  We like their home phone service particularly because you can use your home phone as a traditional wired phone (through your internet) _avoid some cell phone radiation at home which is good for everyone, particularly kids.

Make sure to use our recommendation/referral code (推薦碼) C4HDC3 when you check out to save $5.00.

Italkbb.com 提供優質的家庭電話服務、中文電視節目和家庭安全監控服務。 特別適合在亞洲有聯繫的美國和加拿大的中國、韓國和其他亞洲家庭。 我們喜歡他們的家庭電話服務,特別是因為您可以將您的家庭電話用作傳統的有線電話(通過您的互聯網)_避免家中的一些手機輻射,這對每個人都有好處,尤其是孩子們。

結賬時請務必使用我們的推薦碼 C4HDC3 以節省 $5.00。

2) Use protonmail.com instead of gmail.com, hotmail.com or yahoo.com for privacy and security reasons.  More information is here. When you use it, we do not receive anything.

出於隱私和安全原因,請使用 protonmail.com 而不是 gmail.com、hotmail.com 或 yahoo.com。 更多信息在這裡。

3) Everyone hates covid 19 and the government tyranny.  But not everyone has the freedom to break the bondage placed on you by the government.  Many may start consider making a living by trading stocks.  After all, you have quite some cash to invest anyway.  If that is the case, we recommend humbled trader academy which teaches you how to be a successful day trader and actually make some decent money.  Follow the link and get enrolled for only $1500.  (After you pay for the training course, we will receive an affiliate fee.  This is one way you can help us.  After you sign up, and tried one or two units and find you are not interested in anymore, you can request a full refund within 10 days of purchasing.  _ do not use the third unit or no more refund will be granted.)

Some successful testimonies are available on site.

每個人都討厭covid 19和政府暴政。 但不是每個人都有自由打破政府對你的束縛。 許多人可能會開始考慮通過交易股票謀生。 畢竟,無論如何,您都有相當多的現金可以投資。 如果是這樣的話,我們推薦謙卑的交易者學院,它教你如何成為一個成功的日間交易者,並真正賺到一些體面的錢。 點擊連結,只需$ 1500即可註冊。 (在您支付培訓課程費用后,我們將收到聯盟費。 這是您可以幫助我們的一種方式。註冊並嘗試一兩個單位並發現您不再感興趣后,您可以在購買后的10天內申請全額退款。 _ 請勿使用第三單元或不再退款。)