Category: 屬靈生活-spirital-life
《耶稣颂》001 to 068 远志明牧师讲道 – Pastor Yuan Zhiming Sermon
Enjoy all messages here. 在這裡享受所有消息。 Sorry. There is no English version for English speakers for now. We will try to translate …
Build My Life – Beautiful Christian song
Let us live our lives for God. Worthy of every song we could ever sing Worthy of all the praise we could …
Pastor Yuan Zhiming preached “Jesus on the Future” 1. The irreversible great corruption; 2. The unavoidable catastrophe; 3. The inescapable great judgment. What is the assurance of our salvation? | Yuan Zhiming Sermon 远志明牧师讲道 《耶稣论未来》一、不可逆转的大败坏;二、不可避免的大灾难;三、不可逃脱的大审判。什么是我们得救的确据?
Pastor Yuan Zhiming preached “Jesus on the Future” 1. The irreversible great corruption; 2. The unavoidable catastrophe; 3. The inescapable great judgment. …
Priests help woman possessed by the devil | 牧師幫助被惡魔附身的女人
Editor’s note: This phenomenon is real. This often occurs to people who have some special “talents” and can see or hear something …
We give our thanks to our God, Jesus Christ our Lord 我們感謝我們的上帝,我們的主耶穌基督
On the Thanksgiving holiday, we thank you God that you promise that you will never forsake us. Thank you for being our …
Christians: Do you obey God or civil authority? 基督徒:你是服從上帝還是民事權威?
When some authority is doing things against God, do you as a christian obey the authority? Pastor Matthew Trewhella in the video …
远志明牧师讲道Yuan Zhiming Sermon《做一个感恩的人》一、什么是恩典;二、恩典充满自然;三、恩典来到人间;四、感恩就是蒙恩。从他丰满的恩典
Pastor Yuan Zhiming Sermon, “Being a Grateful Man” First, what is grace; Second, grace is full of nature; Third, grace came to …
Is The World About To End? 世界即將終結?
Is The World About To End? October 23, 2014
Sermon series: the Gospel according to Luke | 路加福音解經講道系列
路加福音解經講道系列 路加福音解經講道-序言 23:50 Now playing 路加福音第二十四章33-53節(之二):大使命-向萬邦傳赦罪的道(路24:44-49);升天的涵義(路24:50-53) 9:25 Now playing 路加福音第二十四章33-53節(之一):復活的基督(路24:33-43) 16:55 Now playing 路加福音第二十四章13-32節(之二):以馬忤斯的路上 18:21 Now playing …
Movie in English: The life of Jesus | 英文電影:耶穌的生平
For more information, visit
“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” | “我實實在在的告訴你,人若不重生,就見不到神的國”
“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” Jesus said (John 3:3) …
Be still for the presence of the Lord | 為著主的同在而安靜
Praise your Lord while alive. He loves us and wait for us to return from our sinful life that repeatedly offends Him. …
生命智慧 #58 耶稣再临之前,这些事必要发生 – 神显明奇事给但以理,这些事发生在我们今天的世界里 l 装备生命
God bless those who stand firm in this dangerous age when the power is highly concentrated in the hands of a small …
Yuan Zhiming Sermon 远志明牧师讲道 -《你们可以放心》一、神的意念高过我们的意念。二、神的意念总是好的。三、神使万事相互效力,叫爱他的人得益处。
“You can rest assured” 1. God’s thoughts are higher than ours. 2. God’s thoughts are always good. 3. God makes everything work …
Why can’t most people enter God’s Kingdom? | 生命智慧 #33 – 多数人不能进入天堂的真正原因 l 装备生命
We all make mistakes here and there, offending not only some people, but more importantly the one and only God. The biggest …
How do you know you are a true Christian? | 你怎麼知道你是一個真正的基督徒?
How do you know you are a true Christian? This is a simple question. By faith, you become a Christian. If you …
Bible Hub – a great source for all Bible learners 聖經中心 – 所有聖經學習者的重要來源 The webiste is in English. You can search keywords in 20 versions of the Bible and get returns with full verses …