Plant-based diets high in carbs improve type 1 diabetes, according to new case studies 富含碳水化合物的植物性飲食可改善1型糖尿病

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Editor’s comment: One big misconception about carbohydrates is that many organizations and individuals think carbohydrates mean sugars. Carbohydrates include sugars but also other macro-molecules like starches and fibers etc. purified sugars are not healthful but naturally occurring carbohydrates including sugars are actually good for your health.

編者按:關於碳水化合物的一個大誤解是許多組織和個人認為碳水化合物是糖。 碳水化合物包括糖,但也包括其他大分子,如澱粉和纖維等。純化的糖不健康,但天然存在的碳水化合物(包括糖)實際上對您的健康有益。

News Release 23-Jul-2020

Studies challenge misconception that carbs are bad for diabetes

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

WASHINGTON–Plant-based diets rich in whole carbohydrates can improve insulin sensitivity and other health markers in individuals with type 1 diabetes, according to two case studies published by researchers from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in the Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism.

Both case studies followed individuals with type 1 diabetes who adopted plant-based diets rich in whole carbohydrates–including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. The patients’ health care teams tracked their blood sugar control, heart disease risk factors, and other health measurements before and after the diet change.

One case study followed a female patient who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2018. At the time, her A1c was 8.7%. She initially adopted a low-carbohydrate (less than 30 grams of carbohydrate per day), high-fat diet that was high in meat and dairy. Her blood sugar stabilized, but she required more insulin per gram of carbohydrate consumed. Her total cholesterol also increased from 175 to 221 mg/dL. In January 2019, she switched to a plant-based diet, eliminating dairy products, eggs, and meat. The patient was able to decrease her insulin dosage, maintain her A1c level at 5.4%, and drop her cholesterol level to 158 mg/dL.

“This study challenges the misconception that carbs are the enemy when it comes to diabetes,” says study author Hana Kahleova, MD, PhD, director of clinical research at the Physicians Committee. “The patient in this case study experienced the opposite: Adding more healthful carbohydrates to her diet stabilized her glycemic control, reduced her insulin needs, and boosted her overall health.”

The other individual–a 42-year-old man who had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 25–eliminated animal products from his diet and switched to a whole food, plant-based diet. He increased his consumption of carbohydrates from 150 grams to 400-450 grams per day. After adopting a carbohydrate-rich plant-based diet, he lost weight, required less insulin, and reduced his A1c–a measure of blood sugar levels over a 3-month period–from 6.2% to a range between 5.5-5.8%.

The authors note that a previous small study supported the case studies’ results, finding that a high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diet improved glycemic control in 10 people with type 1 diabetes. As a next step, the authors suggest that randomized clinical trials are needed to verify the case studies’ findings, assess their generalizability, and quantify the effectiveness of plant-based diets in the management of type 1 diabetes.

Previous studies have found that low-fat, plant-based diets can be beneficial for those with type 2 diabetes. Research has also shown that those eating a plant-based diet have approximately half the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared with non-vegetarians.

“Decades of research has proven that a plant-based diet can be beneficial for those with type 2 diabetes. Now, these groundbreaking case studies are offering hope that the same may be true for those with type 1 diabetes,” adds Dr. Kahleova.




一項案例研究追踪了一名女性患者,該女性患者於2018年被診斷患有1型糖尿病。當時,她的A1c為8.7%。她最初採用低碳水化合物(每天少於30克碳水化合物)的高脂肪飲食,富含肉類和奶製品。她的血糖穩定了,但是每克消耗的碳水化合物需要更多的胰島素。她的總膽固醇也從175毫克/分升增加到221毫克/分升。在2019年1月,她改用植物性飲食,淘汰了乳製品,雞蛋和肉類。該患者能夠減少胰島素劑量,將A1c水平維持在5.4%,並將膽固醇水平降至158 mg / dL。

“這項研究挑戰了人們誤以為碳水化合物是糖尿病的敵人,”研究作者內科醫生委員會臨床研究主任Hana Kahleova醫學博士說。 “在本案例研究中,患者經歷了相反的情況:在飲食中添加更多健康的碳水化合物可以穩定血糖控制,減少胰島素需求並改善整體健康狀況。”




數十年來的研究證明,植物性飲食對2型糖尿病患者有益。現在,這些開創性的案例研究為1型糖尿病患者帶來了希望。” Kahleova博士補充說。

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