生命智慧 #58 耶稣再临之前,这些事必要发生 – 神显明奇事给但以理,这些事发生在我们今天的世界里 l 装备生命

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God bless those who stand firm in this dangerous age when the power is highly concentrated in the hands of a small group of people. Antichrists are among those powerful and just watch what they are doing against people on the planet. People belong to God no matter how God will judge them. Any power or organizations or individuals who want to control others, physically and or spiritually are against the one and only God. They will get what they deserve.

上帝保佑那些在這個權力高度集中在少數人手中的危險時代站穩腳跟的人。 敵基督者是強大的人之一,只是看看他們對地球上的人所做的事情。 無論上帝如何審判他們,人都是屬於上帝的。 任何想要在身體和/或精神上控制他人的權力或組織或個人都是反對獨一的上帝。 他們會得到他們應得的。

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