Books: How to prevent and treat viral infections without medications | 書籍:如何在沒有藥物的情況下預防和治療病毒感染

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Two books on prevention and treatments of viral infections including covid 10 have recently got our attention. Here is some comment.

Rapid Virus Recovery Paperback

by Thomas Levy, MD

We can live without fear!

It’s normal and appropriate to fear an infection that can take your life, especially when you believe that you cannot avoid getting it or that you cannot cure it once you have it. The COVID pandemic now has most of the world population literally petrified. As it turns out, the healthy immune system can kill ANY pathogens that it encounters. The number of potential infections that get repelled on a daily basis is enormous. But sometimes even a strong immune system needs a little help to keep the body well. It turns out that there are many remedies that directly use and stimulate the body’s natural ability to kill pathogens. Particularly for COVID and other acutely contracted respiratory viruses, the treatments can be incredibly quick as well as effective. In fact, when applied properly, the infection always loses. Furthermore, the primary treatment discussed in this book is easy to take and literally costs only pennies. There are no toxic side effects, and it is readily available to anyone. Loads of legitimate science proves that the amazing information presented herein is not too good to be true. Let’s all put COVID in the rearview mirror forever.

cited from web page.

We highly recommend this book.  We give it a 5-star rating based on the following facts about the book.


  1. The author spent a lot of time going into lots of details.
  2. The book covers many aspects on the prevention and treatment of viral infections for which many methods are detailed.
  3. Many references are cited, and the book may be considered a scholastic work.  The content is very convincing and trustworthy.
  4. Many methods are practical and useful in preventing and treating viral infections

Cons: None

Another book titled

A Holistic Approach to Viruses

Authored by David Brownstein, MD

We give it a 4.2 star rating based on the facts about the book listed below:


  1. The book cover many aspects on prevention and treatment of viral infections including covid 19.  Many methods seem to be practical, offering detailed instruction on how to use.
  2. Much of the content in the book may come with this physician’s clinical experience. So the book is valuable.
  3. The book list some references.


  1. The explanation may not be extensive to some readers.  This could make some readers feel that the author did not spend too much time on writing this book.

Overall, both books are very useful.  The book by David Brownstein, MD actually got a warning from which is a watch agency supposedly that protects consumers’ interest.  This warning can be both a compliment to the book or an actual warning about the credibility of the book.

Listed below are the warning letter.


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