Cases of vaccine-induced VAIDS on the rise due to mass covid vaccination | 由於大規模疫苗接種,疫苗引起的 VAIDS 病例呈上升趨勢

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It is hoped that the study is inaccurate in predicting the dare consequences from getting covid 19 vaccines.  But if there is indeed a cause effect relationship between the covid 19 vaccines and the compromised immunity, there should not be any surprise.

希望這項研究在預測獲得 covid 19 疫苗的大膽後果方面是不准確的。 但是,如果 COVID 19 疫苗和免疫力下降之間確實存在因果關係,那就不足為奇了。

在一些州,許多醫院最近因患有嚴重 Covid 19 的患者而超載,其中許多人都戴上了呼吸器。 建議醫生和護士除了說沒有更多床位可供接診患者使用外,不要說什麼。 在這些患者中,是否有許多患有 Covid 19 或其他可能隨時殺死他們的細菌或病毒感染人實際上是接種了 Covid 19疫苗的?

如果患者沒有接種疫苗,那麼那些正在推動covid 19疫苗接種的人會很高興地宣布這個消息,這可以作為推廣使用covid 19疫苗的理由嗎?

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Image: Cases of vaccine-induced VAIDS on the rise due to mass covid vaccination

(Natural News) A new paper published in The Lancet suggests that the more “vaccines” a person gets injected with for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the faster his or her body succumbs to an AIDS-like immune wasting syndrome called VAIDS.

Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome begins immediately following the first round of injections. And experts worry that with each subsequent “booster” shot, this process of “immune erosion,” as they call it, only continues to accelerate.

For their research, scientists compared the health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated people in Sweden. Roughly 1.6 million individuals in both groups were studied over the course of nine months.

What was discovered is that the fully vaccinated only have a smattering of immune protection for a very short amount of time – at most six months. After that, the artificial “immunity” provoked by the injections wanes rapidly, leaving a fully vaccinated person with no protection against infection of any kind, just like AIDS.

The unvaccinated, meanwhile, were found to maintain true and lasting immunity because their bodies were not jabbed with immune degrading spike proteins and other mystery chemicals that we now know chip away at the immune system week after week post-injection.

“Doctors are calling this phenomen[on] in the repeatedly vaccinated ‘immune erosion’ or ‘acquired immune deficiency,’ accounting for elevated incidence of myocarditis and other post-vaccine illnesses that either affect them more rapidly, resulting in death, or more slowly, resulting in chronic illness,” reported America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) about the study’s findings.

Covid jabs initiate a cascading failure of the body’s immune response

It is important to remember that covid vaccines are not actually vaccines, at least not in the traditional sense. What they do is cause cells throughout the body to produce just one small portion of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus: the spike protein.

As we have long warned, these injections are turning people’s bodies into walking spike protein factories, which causes the body to create antibodies to them. There are serious problems with this, however, that lead to the progressive degradation of the body’s immune capacity and functionality.

“First, these vaccines ‘mis-train’ the immune system to recognize only a small part of the virus (the spike protein),” AFLDS explains. “Variants that differ, even slightly, in this protein are able to escape the narrow spectrum of antibodies created by the vaccines.”

“Second, the vaccines create ‘vaccine addicts,’ meaning persons become dependent upon regular booster shots, because they have been ‘vaccinated’ only against a tiny portion of a mutating virus,” the group adds. “Australian Health Minister Dr. Kerry Chant has stated that COVID will be with us forever and people will ‘have to get used to’ taking endless vaccines. ‘This will be a regular cycle of vaccination and revaccination.’”

A third thing is the simple fact that the jabs do not in any way prevent infection in the nose and upper airways, which is where fully vaccinated people tend to show the highest viral loads. This causes the fully vaccinated to become those ever-dreaded “superspreaders” and a serious danger to society.

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson warns that the indefinite and uncontrolled autoimmune response to the coronavirus spike protein that is provoked by these injections could produce “a wave of antibodies called anti-idiotype antibodies or Ab2s that continue to damage human bodies long after clearing either Sars-CoV-2 itself or those spike proteins that the shots cause the body’s cells to produce.”

The spike proteins themselves may produce this second wave of antibodies as well, modulating the immune system’s initial response by binding with and ultimately destroying the first wave of antibodies.

The latest news about the prolific damage caused by covid “vaccines” can be found at

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In some states, many hospitals have recently been overloaded with patients suffering severe covid 19 of whom many are put on respirators.  Doctors and nurses are advised not to say anything except saying that no more beds are available for incoming patients.  Among the patients, could many  are actually vaccinated people suffering covid 19 or another bacterial or viral infection that could kill them at any moment?

If the patients have not been vaccinated, then those who are pushing covid 19 vaccination would be happy to announce the news which can be used as a reason for promoting use of covid 19 vaccines?

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