Could GMO corn destroy fertility? 轉基因玉米會破壞生育能力嗎?

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

Rodent studies have proved that eating GMO foods can result in infertility in addition to many other deadly health consequences such as cancer.

Those who still doubt that the potential negative impact on human fertility should know this – Mexican people in the U.S. have reduced their birth rate in the past 30 years by more than 30%.  Corn is one of the main staples for Mexicans.  No one would know that the reduced fertility results from consumption of GMO corn.  But the possibility is there.

Many crops have been bio-engineered or transformed to be GMO crops including soybean, corn, potatoes, beets.


那些仍然懷疑對人類生育能力的潛在負面影響的人應該知道這一點——在美國的墨西哥人在過去 30 年中將他們的出生率降低了 30% 以上。 玉米是墨西哥人的主要主食之一。 沒有人會知道生育率下降是由於食用轉基因玉米造成的。 但可能性是存在的。

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