Why do we need nutritional therapy to fight cancer? 為什麼我們需要營養治療

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

Why do we need nutritional therapy to fight cancer?

Two basic principles dictate what foods should be included in a diet for cancer patients. An anticancer diet should not include any foods that can trigger and promote carcinogenesis and boost cancer growth. Rather, it should include foods and supplements that can help fight cancer.

Foods/supplements fight cancer through different mechanisms. Some foods/supplements directly kill cancer cells. For instance, vitamin C can help kill cancer cells. Some foods can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. For instance, many spices and vegetables can help prevent angiogenesis to prevent cancer progression and metastasis. Some foods can help boost immunity against cancer. Foods like these include certain mushrooms and spices. Many foods can help stop cancer by reducing inflammation. For instance, omega 3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory.

Foods that should not be included in a diet for cancer patients include high salt, high sugar, trans fat, high meat, highly processed foods and foods that contain artificial additives.

A good diet can not only help fight cancer, but also can help reduce side effects from conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  Studies show cancer patients follow a good diet often times live much longer than those patients who do not.







營養治療在于一个疗好得饮食计划。这不仅是有关于吃什么,也有关于如何吃或不吃,吃多少等。是一个计划,而不是随意的吃喝就可以达到效果的。良好的饮食习惯不仅可以帮助抗击癌症,而且还可以帮助减少化学疗法和放射疗法等传统疗法的副作用。 研究表明,癌症患者遵循良好的饮食习惯通常比那些没有遵循良好的饮食的患者寿命更长。


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