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Jan 19, 2019 Saturday (JKZX.COM) – 发表在“伊朗医学档案”上的一项研究表明,每天吃2汤匙芝麻 (Two tablespoons of sesame paste),持续时间短至6周,可以将患心脏病的风险(heart disease))降低40%。这对于面临更高心脏病风险的2型糖尿病患者 (type 2 diabetics)来说是个好消息。



吃芝麻糊可降低总胆固醇(total cholesterol),LDL胆固醇和其他致细胞脂质参数,增加高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (high density lipoprotein cholesterol)- 好胆固醇。但血压(blood pressure)保持不变。



吃芝麻不是唯一可以降低心脏病风险的方法。 您可以采取的其他措施来降低风险包括:

1)不要吃红肉,特别是加工过的红肉(processed red meat)。
2)不要吃含糖丰富的食物 (sugar rich foods)。
3)吃很多绿叶蔬菜(leafy green vegetables),豆类(legumes)和谷物(grains)。
4)不要吃反式脂肪(trans fat)和高脂肪食物(high fat foods)。
6)不要进行胸部X线(x-ray)或胸部CT扫描(CT scan)。 很多人只知道X射线可以导致癌症。 X射线还会损伤动脉并导致心脏病。

Eating sesame seeds may help prevent heart disease

A study published in the Archives of Iranian Medicine suggests that eating 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds per day for as short as six weeks can reduce risk of heart disease by 40%. This is great news for type 2 diabetics who face a much higher risk of heart disease.

For some people, heart disease is hard to prevent and treat. Every year, as many as 17.3 million people worldwide die from this disease, which is expected to kill as many 23.6 million by 2030.

For the study, researchers looked at 41 patients with type 2 diabetes. Some ate two tablespoons of sesame seed paste with breakfast while others did not eat any. At the beginning and end of the 6-week study period, patients were checked for their triglycerides, cholesterol, blood pressure and antherogenic index.

Eating sesame seed paste lowered total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and other antherogenic lipid parameters and increased high density lipoprotein cholesterol – the good cholesterol. The blood pressure remained unchanged though.

The researchers predicted that this change is equivalent to a 39% reduction of risk in heart disease in type 2 diabetes patients.

Sesame seed oil is known to improve hypertension. Consuming sesame can reduce muscle damage and oxidative stress and can help manage pain of knee arthritis.

Eating sesame seeds is not the only thing you can do to reduce your heart disease risk. Other measures you can take to reduce the risk include the following:

1) Do not eat red meat, particularly processed red meat.
2) Do not eat sugar rich food.
3) Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, legumes, and grain.
4) Do not eat trans fat and high fat food.
5) Take some antioxidant supplements.
6) Do not take chest x-ray or chest CT scan. Many people only know that X-ray can cause cancer. X-ray can also damage arteries and cause heart disease.

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