Is science your God? 科學是你的上帝嗎?

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Science is controlled by human beings and frauds are inevitable.  But consumers do not have to be controlled by science!

So many people regard science as their God.  Chances are good that many of these people do not believe in God.  They choose to believe in science.  They forget that science is controlled by some powerful yet sinful people (according to the Bible, all people are sinful and thus all people need God’s salvation).  What would these people do?  They would do whatever they can, good or bad at will.  They would never proclaim that they are going to do something bad to the public, they ain’t so stupid.

Science is a tool, a propaganda media or a platform which is used for the powerful people to realize their interest.  These people invest every penny in scientific research for a purpose.  In many cases, the investment is driven by commercial interest or greed.  Some investments may aim to help humanity, charity and the like, but they are the minority.

According to some surveys, at least 37% of published scientists admitted that data they presented in their publications were modified or changed or selected or biased.  If a person has his or her IQ above 90, he or she should know why they did that.   Any data that could potentially harm industrial interest will never be published.  If incidentally published, the report or publication will be recalled.  Research or studies or trials are often designed and conducted in a way to generate data that the investor or sponsor wants to see.

There is no saying that all data presented in publications are falsified.  Some data may be truthful and come without alternation.   But how the data are presented and how they get used can be tricky.  Many people do not want to seek the truth, or are unable to understand the scientific reports in the first place.  Few consumers would go check original reports.  Almost all consumers rely on news media to tell them what is going on.  And guess who control news media?  And what they are supposed to tell you?  When truthful data are presented in a scientific report, journalists can report the findings in a way that can fool consumers.  Even if consumers do go read original “scientific” reports, could they be able to identify fraudulent design and interpretation?

Some studies can be designed and conducted and presented truthfully.  But if they are not in line with commercial or political interests of some powerful individuals or organizations, “some self-righteous science organizations or fact checkers” will come to attack those actually good studies without hesitance.  Those who claim to be science representatives would almost always claim that those good studies are fraudulent. Most consumers are not able to know who are telling the truth.  They will have to exercise their faith.  They will need to decide whom they can trust.  Unfortunately, many consumers are too naive and they forget the sinful nature of human beings and their decisions can hurt their own interest.

Any so called scientific study or research project serves a purpose.  When researchers plan a study, they are already biased.   They know what they need to generate from their study (to please their sponsor(s)).   That is why so many researchers mislead or lie when they presented their data.

In many cases, so-called science leads commercial interest.  Fraud studies hurt consumer interest.   Fake news fool consumers and allure them to buy and use consumer products.  The best thing for consumers to do is, either reject any new product which has a potential to hurt their interest or delay buying or using those products until it proves safe to use.   Just because partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are claimed to be safe, consumers do not have to use it.  (Trans fat has now proved to be harmful after approved and used for a few decades!).  Just because some medications are claimed to be safe and effective at preventing or treating some disease, patients do not have to use them  (Prevention measures and natural remedies with a good safety profile should be preferred.)   Just because a new smart phone provides better functionality, consumers do not buy or use it until it proves safe.  God creates all things and provide us human beings everything we need.  Anything man-made (science based or not) (many we use are not God intended) can carry a risk potentially because of human involvement!  Science is controlled by the sinful and frauds are inevitable.  But consumers do not have to be controlled by science!



根據一些調查,至少有 37% 的已發表科學家承認他們在出版物中提供的數據被修改、更改、選擇或有偏見。如果一個人的智商在 90 以上,他或她應該知道他們為什麼這樣做。任何可能損害工業利益的數據將永遠不會被公佈。如果偶然發表,該報告或出版物將被召回。研究或研究或試驗通常以生成投資者或發起人希望看到的數據的方式設計和進行。


有些研究可以如實設計、進行和呈現。 但如果它們不符合某些有權勢的個人或組織的商業或政治利益,“一些自以為是的科學組織或事實核查員”就會毫不猶豫地攻擊那些真正好的研究。 那些聲稱是科學代表的人幾乎總是聲稱那些好的研究是欺詐性的。 大多數消費者無法知道誰在說真話。 他們將不得不運用他們的信仰。 他們需要決定他們可以信任誰。 不幸的是,許多消費者太天真了,他們忘記了人的罪性,他們的決定會損害自己的利益。

在許多情況下,所謂的科學會帶來商業利益。欺詐研究損害了消費者的興趣。假新聞愚弄消費者並引誘他們購買和使用消費品。對消費者來說,最好的辦法是拒絕任何可能損害他們興趣的新產品,或者推遲購買或使用這些產品,直到證明可以安全使用。僅僅因為聲稱部分氫化植物油是安全的,消費者不必使用它。 (反式脂肪在批准並使用了幾十年之後,現已證明是有害的!)。僅僅因為聲稱某些藥物在預防或治療某些疾病方面是安全有效的,患者不必使用它們(應該首選具有良好安全性的預防措施和自然療法。)僅僅因為新的智能手機提供了更好的功能,消費者在證明安全之前不要購買或使用它。上帝創造萬物,並為我們人類提供我們所需要的一切。任何人造的(無論是否基於科學)(我們使用的許多產品都不是上帝的本意)可能會因為人類的參與而帶來風險!科學被罪人控制,欺詐在所難免。但消費者不必被科學控制!

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