About 4.3 million Chinese were diagnosed with cancer every year | 中国去年约有430万人确诊癌症

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

According to the latest research, about 4.3 million people in China were diagnosed with cancer last year, and another 2.8 million people died of some kind of cancer. In other words, 12,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every day, and 7,500 patients die from cancer. The research team headed by Chen Wanqing, director of the National Cancer Center of China, published the report in “Journal of Cancer Journal for Clinicians” (CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians).

Chronic viral and pathogenic bacterial infections, smoking and environmental pollution all contribute to the rapid rise in cancer cases in China, the researchers said. The authors suggest that smoking may not be a major factor in the increase in cancer incidents, as smoking is no more prevalent now than it has ever been. Another possible factor contributing to increased cancer rates is lifestyle changes.

The report shows that lung cancer is the number one killer among cancers. Studies have shown that the most common cancers for men are lung cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer and colorectal cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Chinese women, accounting for about 15% of all cancer cases. In addition to breast cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer and esophageal cancer are also common cancers in women.

About one-third of cancer deaths are caused by chronic viral and pathogenic bacterial infections of the stomach, liver and cervix, and another quarter of cancer deaths are caused by smoking. Helicobacter pylori is the main cause of gastric cancer, hepatitis virus is the main cause of liver cancer, and cervical cancer is mainly caused by human papillomavirus HPV.

Unfortunately, many people carry these bacteria or viruses. For example, half of the Asian population carries Helicobacter pylori. Because many women these days have multiple sexual partners, it is very easy to get HPV. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent these bacteria and viruses from causing cancer.

Severe outdoor and indoor air pollution, soil and water pollution are also another important factor in the increase in cancer rates, the researchers said.

最新研究表明,中国去年约有430万人确诊癌症,另外280万人因某种癌症去世。也就是说,每天有1.2万人确诊患癌,及7,500名病人因癌症死亡。以中国国家癌症中心主任陈万青为首的研究团队发表这个报告于《临床医师癌症期刊》(CA:A Cancer Journal for Clinicians)。

研究人员表示,慢性病毒和致病菌感染、吸烟及环境污染都导致中国癌症个案急速上升的原因。 作者认为,吸烟可能不是癌症事件增加的主要因素,因为现在吸烟并不比以往任何时候都更加普遍。导致癌症发病率增加的另一个可能因素是生活方式的变化。

报告显示,肺癌是癌症之中的头号杀手。 研究显示,男性最易患上的癌症有肺癌、胃癌、食道癌、肝癌及大肠癌。  在中国女性中, 乳癌是最常见的癌症,乳癌占全部癌症个案约15%。 除乳癌外,肺癌、胃癌、大肠癌及食道癌也是女性的常见癌症。

约三分之一的癌症死亡个案是由胃、肝脏及子宫颈的慢性病毒和致病菌感染引起,另有四分之一的患者因吸烟患上癌症死亡。 幽门螺杆菌胃癌主要原因, 肝炎病毒是肝癌的主要原因, 而宫颈癌主要是由人乳头状瘤病毒HPV引起的.

不幸的是,很多人携带这些细菌或病毒。 例如,一半的亚洲人口携带幽门螺杆菌.  因为现在很多女性都有多个性伴侣,所以很容易就会感染HPV。 幸运的是,可以采取一些措施来防止这些细菌和病毒引起癌症。


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