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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

As a cancer patient, if you lose your hair, then you are destined to die from cancer. That is because you have used chemotherapy which would ensure that the cancer comes back to kill you in a few years. No chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery can cure any cancer. Some patients use conventional therapies, and survive for a long term. But the secret is that those also use alternative treatments and or live a healthy lifestyle and follow an anticancer diet.  100% trusting on oncologists will lead to 100% odds of premature death.


作為癌症患者,如果您掉頭髮,那麼您注定要死於癌症。那是因為您使用了化學療法,它可以確保癌症在幾年內再次回來殺死您。沒有化學療法,放射療法和手術可以治愈任何癌症。一些患者使用常規療法,並且可以長期生存。但是秘密在於,他們還使用替代療法,或者過著健康的生活方式,並遵循抗癌飲食。 100%信任腫瘤科醫生會導致100%過早死亡 的可能性。


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