The Death of Cancer by Vincent T. Devita Jr. MD 癌症之死 由Vincent Devita Jr. MD撰写

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Vincent T. Devita Jr. MD nd Elizabeth Devita-Raeburn (2015) The Death of Cancer, published by ISBN 978-0-374-13560-7 (Hardback cover)

From this book, you can learn the following:

How do oncologists including surgeons, radiotherapists, and chemo-therapists treat their patients?

1) Radiation and chemotherapy dosages are important for the odds of survival for a cancer patient. Dr. Devita found that higher doses are needed to “cure” a cancer. It is often that cancer centers do not use the optimal doses for a couple of reasons. First, they do not know the best optimal doses are. Every doctor may have his own definition of optimal dose. Second, even if they know what the optimal dose is, they would not use the optimal dose because optimal doses tend to be high dosages which would bring about too much side effects that patients would suffer. So doctors tend to use low doses which would more likely induce mutations that eventually lead to the development of second cancer. Secondary cancer or recurrent cancers tend to be more aggressive and resistant to drugs that were used to treat primary cancer. As a result, there is no longer any drug available to the patient to effectively treat him and the patient dies from the secondary cancer. Oncologists often use a universal dose for all cancer patients regardless of patients’ body weight or skin surface area.

2) Oncologists compete for cancer patients. Whoever first gets a cancer patient will treat the patient first. They do not consider the best outcome of the patient.

3) Not all cancer centers are equally equipped to treat all types of cancer. Not all oncologists are equally competent in providing the treatment of a particular type of cancer. Oncologists can make mistakes, and put their patients in grave danger because they can misdiagnose the disease or do not use treatments properly. Most cancer doctors may not be as competent.

4) The majority of oncologists may not care for their cancer patients. Only a very small number of oncologists would do whatever it takes to try to save them.

5) Surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy all can promote metastasis or spreading of cancer to distant organs or tissues. No surgery can remove all cancer cells. No radiation or chemotherapy medications may eliminate all cancerous cells.

6) Conventional treatments are not intended to cure any cancer. Oncologists do not use the word “cure” because they do not believe there is any cure for any cancer. The common terms is chemical remission, complete remission, long term survival. No doctors could guarantee that the treatment they use on a patient would result in any desired prognosis.

7) Cancer centers are not interested in developing any cure for any cancer. Oncologists may use substandard treatments that do not render any efficacy against a cancer. Universities have conducted tremendous amounts of basic research. But neither clinicians nor university professors have the motive to convert the basic findings into any treatments that can help cancer patients.

8) No treatment can kill 100% cancer cells. All treatments may lead to secondary cancer.

9) A treatment may get a cancer patient into remission, but the treatment itself such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy medication may generate secondary cancer, which will sooner or later come to kill the patient.

10) Treatments can be driven by monetary interest. Surgeons may do radical mastectomy even though lumpectomy provides the same outcome because radical mastectomy earns more money for doctors.

11) Oncologists may be more interested in defending themselves against law suits or maximizing their earnings than healing patients.














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