The downsides of Western Cancer Treatments | 西方癌症治疗的缺点

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The downsides of Western Cancer Treatments

Western medicine dominates the cancer industry. The treatment modalities have not been changed much over the last 50 years – surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. These treatments are extreme external forces that can kill both cancerous cells and healthy cells. After the cancer is treated, the patient is dead or almost dead. These methods are highly aggressive and invasive and in many cases post high toxicity.

Surgery is commonly used to remove cancer mass or malignant tumors. Before surgery, the cancer mass is often irradiated with x-ray or gamma-radiation so it can be conditioned for the surgery. The problems with surgery are two-fold. For one thing, surgery disrupts the immune system and the treated patients would have some defects in their immune system, at least locally if not systemically. Another problem is, surgery cannot remove all cancer cells. Why? New research has found that cancer cells can have spread to other locations even when a cancer is diagnosed in its early stage. That is why the cancer can come back or grow in another organ after all treatments are completed. Of course, that does not mean surgery is useless. It may help cancer patients in certain cases.

For instance, when many cancer patients underwent surgery to remove the primary or even the secondary cancer or metastatic cancer AND also used alternative treatments which are known to be effective in previous cases, they survived. However, if surgery is employed without using alternative treatments like nutritional therapy or other effective anticancer treatment, the cancer patient is likely to suffer recurrence or metastatic cancer. And in the end, they would die from the disease and treatments.

Radiation therapy is nastier. Ionizing radiation like x-ray is a known carcinogen, meaning that it can cause cancer. Although radiation kills cancer cells, it kills and injures healthy cells too. That is why, patients who received radiation therapy should expect the cancer to come back or migrate to other organs. Radiation can also induce other cancers like leukemia which can develop in a few years post-treatment.

Chemotherapy is similar to radiation therapy in terms of their adverse effects. Many chemotherapy drugs are cancer-causing agents. Use of them for a long term can increase risk of cancer. Chemotherapy often leads to the development of drug resistance of the cancer cells. After the development of drug resistance, the cancer cells become more aggressive and more dangerous and no more drugs can contain these cancer cells. Eventually these cancer cells will develop late-stage cancers and kill the patients.

Many alternative cancer physicians know that gentle and non-toxic cancer treatments are needed to help cancer patients to recover from the disease. And there exist actually many types of alternative treatments without many very effective even though no one treatment is effective for all types of cancer. (David Liu)


西医在癌症行业占主导地位。过去50年来,手术 (surgery),放射治疗 (radiation therapy) 和化学疗法 (chemotherapy) 治疗方式并没有多大变化。药物很多,但是,他们的效果没有很大的提高。另外,这些疗法的共同的缺点还是没变,它们对身体都有很大的伤害。即便是手术也是有伤害的。化疗放疗更是有害。它们很多情况下,化疗放疗本身可以引起癌症 (secondary cancer)。因为它们的毒性很高,治疗开始时,效果通常都比较明显。但是,医生知道,好景不会长久。

手术通常用于去除癌块或恶性肿瘤 (malignant tumor)。在手术前,癌块通常用x射线或γ射线照射 (γ radiation)。这个疗法本身就是很有害。因为射线也伤害健康的细胞而引起新的癌症。手术的问题是双重问题。一方面,手术会破坏免疫系统,手术通常除掉受癌症影响的淋巴结 (lymph nodes),而淋巴系统是免疫系统一部分。所以,手术可以破坏免疫系统。另一个问题是,手术不能去除所有的癌细胞。为什么?新研究发现,第一,即使癌症在早期诊断出来,癌细胞也可以传播到其他地方。第二,即便还没有转移,手术破坏原来细胞对癌肿块的包络,使得癌细胞更容易逃逸转移到其它器官或组织。这就是为什么在所有治疗完成后,癌症可以从另一个器官中回来或再原灶再生长。这种转移可能在治疗中发生。医生知道手术不能拿掉所有的癌细胞。而且也知道,手术后癌细胞有可能会转移,所以,通常手术后,医生要给病人做放疗或化疗。


放射治疗(radiation therapy) 也是非常伤身体的。 电离辐射如x射线是一种已知的致癌物质,意味着它可以引起癌症。 虽然辐射杀死癌细胞,但也会杀死和损伤健康细胞引起细胞遗传变异。  所以,辐射也可以诱导其他癌(secondary cancer)症如白血病等,可在放疗后几年内发展。放疗与化疗也可以造成抗药性 (drug resistance)。电离辐射如x射线是可以造成基因的变异 (gene mutation)。这些变异使得健康的细胞癌变,使得癌细胞变得更具侵略性。这就是为什么,治疗一段时间后,癌症可以变得对射线和药物治疗更有抵抗性(more aggressive)。一旦抗药性形成,原来的药物或放疗就失去原有的效果。这就是为什么接受放射治疗的患者应该期望癌症回来或迁移到其他器官。

化学疗法与放射治疗方面的不良反应相似。 许多化疗药物是致癌剂。 它们会引起新癌肿的产生。因为癌肿瘤的产生需要时间,所以治疗后,新癌症有可能在3年以后产生(白血病发生比较快。这就是为什么,小孩最常见的是白血病)。化疗也往往导致癌细胞耐药性的发展。 耐药性发展后,癌细胞变得更具攻击性,更危险,使得原来杀癌细胞很有效的药物失效。 最终,这些癌细胞会发展为晚期癌症(转移到其它部位)并杀死患者。很多病例中,原来病人癌症为早期。在治疗中或以后,癌细胞转移癌症成了晚期。 医生常告诉病人,手术很成功。放疗化疗成功地控制了癌症。那都是毫无意义的安慰的行话。

许多癌症需要温和无毒的癌症治疗来帮助癌症患者从癌症中恢复过来。感谢上帝,自然界有现知有数千种的天然化合物有抗癌功效。虽然,医药界,没有意愿用它们来治癌症。(因为这些天然的药物不能被专利化,药物公司的利益不能被保证。)这些天然的药物可以用来做成数百种的天然疗法。尽管没有一种治疗对所有类型的癌症都有效,但实际上存在许多类型的替代治疗病人可以试用。有一种替代疗法叫营养疗法 (nutritional therapy)。抗癌成分来自食物。那是每一个癌症病人都需要用的。不管他们使用或不使用其它疗法。

替代疗法(alternative treatment)的医生知道,当许多癌症患者接受手术以去除原发性甚至继发性癌症或转移性癌症 (metastatic cancer)时,使用已知在先前病例中证明有效的替代疗法,患者可以有较长的存活。 然而,如果在不使用营养治疗或其他有效抗癌治疗的替代疗法的情况下使用手术,癌症患者可能会有复发或转移性癌症。 最后,他们会死于癌症和治疗。

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