Carrot juice fights many cancers 胡蘿蔔汁可治療多種類型的癌症

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

Drinking carrot juice can help eradicate all sorts of cancer including colon cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, lymphoma, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, glioblastoma, thyroid cancer.

A male patient with naphylactic lymphoma reported that drinking 4four to six cups of carrot juices for two weeks shrunk lymph nodes.

A man with stage 4 prostate cancer has battled the disease for 15 years and could not control the disease until he started drinking carrot juice. His prostate cancer progressed leading to the rapid doubling of his PSA and swollen lymph’s. After drinking carrot juice for three months, his PSA dropped 17 points.

A lady suffered from stage I ovarian cancer in 2014. She had 2 surgeries but no other treatments. She used an anticancer diet. But for some reason, she stopped using the anticancer diet. Then in August 2018, the lump showed up in her breast. (This could be a second cancer indicating that her ovarian metastasized to the breasts.) Then she started drinking eight glasses of pure carrot juice a day. Also she avoid wheat, animal protein and sugars, refined oils. She also used 30 to 45 apricot kernels, chaga tea, dandelion root tea, golden paste of curcumin with olive oil and black pepper every day. In 12 days, the lump was gone.

A man has Stage 3C colon cancer. He drank carrot juice for two weeks and lower his CEA (cancer tumor markers) levels from 2.2 to 1.4.

A 75 year old lady was diagnosed with Merkel Cell Carcinoma in late 2017. She used carrot juice. Four months and more than 700 cups of carrot juice later, doctors could not find any evidence of cancer.

A man was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that already spread to his bones in April 2017. He immediately started drinking carrot juice. For the first month, he used five pounds of carrots daily. He also used beets, lemon with the peel, and greens such as kale, spinach, cucumber, celery. On October 16, 2018, his PET scan revealed NED (no evidence of disease).

A lady found a lesion on her face and her doctor suspected it was a skin cancer called SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA. She started drinking carrot juice immediately. Then a week later, a biopsy confirmed the lesion is a skin cancer. The cancer was infiltrating the dermis so it needed to be removed. So one month later, she has the lesion removed. One week after the surgery, she went to see the surgeon to have the stitches removed. Her doctor told her that is was very strange that the removed lesion did not have any cancer cells.

Drinking carrot juice can also help treat glioblastoma stage four brain cancer. A gentleman was diagnosed with stage 4 glioblastoma and given three months to live. The man somehow craved both carrot juice and pistachios. So he drank four or more gallons of carrot juice for the first week. Then he had 90% of the tumor removed and received six weeks of chemo and radiation concurrently after surgery. (These treatments alone could not lead to long term survival and many patients with the cancer can only live a few months.) But for this patient, drinking carrot juice healed the scar issue left after the surgery. The patient also used “lion’s mane mushroom, blackberry concentrate, elderberry, sambuca, curcumin, boswellia, and melatonin.” Additionally, he used an Optune device. One and half years later he was still alive.

Some cases were reported on facebook.




2014年,一位女士患有I期卵巢癌。她接受了2次手術,但沒有其他治療方法。她使用抗癌飲食。但由於某種原因,她停止使用抗癌飲食。然後在2018年8月,腫塊出現在她的乳房中。 (這可能是第二次癌症,表明她的卵巢轉移到了乳房。)然後,她開始每天喝八杯純胡蘿蔔汁。她也避免食用小麥,動物蛋白和糖,精製油。她每天還使用30至45粒杏仁,chaga茶,蒲公英根茶,薑黃素與橄欖油和黑胡椒粉的黃金糊狀物。 12天后,腫塊消失了。



一名男子被診斷患有4期肺癌,已於2017年4月擴散到他的骨頭。他立即開始喝胡蘿蔔汁。 在第一個月中,他每天使用五磅的胡蘿蔔。 他還使用了甜菜,果皮檸檬和羽衣甘藍,菠菜,黃瓜,芹菜等綠色蔬菜。 2018年10月16日,他的PET掃描顯示NED(無疾病證據)。

一位女士在她的臉上發現了一個病變,她的醫生懷疑這是一種稱為鱗狀細胞癌的皮膚癌。 她立即開始喝胡蘿蔔汁。 然後,一周後,活檢證實該病變是皮膚癌。 癌症正在滲透到真皮中,因此需要將其切除。 因此,一個月後,她將病變清除了。 手術一周後,她去找外科醫生拆掉了針腳。 她的醫生告訴她,切除的病變沒有任何癌細胞是非常奇怪的。

喝胡蘿蔔汁還可以幫助治療成膠質細胞瘤的四期腦癌。 一位先生被診斷出患有4期膠質母細胞瘤,並有三個月的生命。 這個男人不知為何渴望吃胡蘿蔔汁和開心果。 因此,第一周他喝了四加侖或更多的胡蘿蔔汁。 然後他切除了90%的腫瘤,並在手術後同時接受了六個星期的化學和放射治療。 (僅這些治療方法不能長期生存,許多癌症患者只能存活幾個月。)但是對於這名患者,喝胡蘿蔔汁可以治愈手術後留下的疤痕。 患者還使用了“獅子鬃毛蘑菇,黑莓濃縮物,接骨木漿果,桑布卡,薑黃素,乳香和褪黑激素”。 此外,他使用了Optune設備。 一年半後,他還活著。

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