Fasting boosts efficacy of cancer treatment and reduces adverse effects 禁食提高癌症治疗的功效并减少不良反应

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

One strategy to fight cancer is reduce your intake of calories regardless of what you eat. Clinical Nutrition published a review in October 2020 to suggest that fasting can help treat cancer.

This strategy has been used by many cancer patients. A noted healer in Austria who claimed that he treated tens of thousands of cancer patients advised his patients to fast while drinking some limited amount of carrot juice.

Energy restriction is more of a challenge to cancer cells than to normal cells. We will report more on this topic when possible.

Another strategy is to use anticancer foods. Many foods help fight cancer. If you control your caloric intake and use adequate anticancer foods, you are in the right direction to recover from your cancer.

The third strategy is to choose your chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, immunotherapy wisely. Many times, we wonder what to eat or not to eat, but never challenge the treatments doctors want to use to treat your cancer. Studies have proved that many treatments do more harm than good. Many cancer patients would live longer without receiving any conventional treatments. Many patients die from cancer treatments rather than cancer itself.

对抗癌症的一种策略是无论您吃什么,都要减少卡路里的摄入。 《临床营养》在2020年10月发表了一篇评论,建议禁食可以帮助治疗癌症。

许多癌症患者都使用了这种策略。 奥地利一位著名的治疗师声称,他治疗了成千上万的癌症患者,建议他的患者在喝少量胡萝卜汁的同时禁食。

能量限制对癌细胞的挑战比对正常细胞的挑战更大。 如有可能,我们将报告更多有关此主题的信息。

另一种策略是使用抗癌食品。 许多食物有助于抵抗癌症。 如果您控制热量的摄入并使用足够的抗癌食品,那么您将朝着正确的方向康复。

第三种策略是明智地选择化学疗法,放射疗法,手术,免疫疗法。 很多时候,我们想知道该吃什么还是不吃什么,但是从不挑战医生想要用来治疗癌症的疗法。 研究证明,许多疗法弊大于利。 如果不接受任何常规治疗,许多癌症患者的寿命会更长。 许多患者死于癌症治疗,而不是癌症本身。

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