The evil force wants all Americans vaccinated against covid 19 邪惡勢力希望所有美國人都接種針對covid 19的疫苗

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

When that comes, the world is nearing to the end. The greatness of America as a country is the freedom the people enjoy here. Who are you that have the authority to order God’s people to submit to you? That Evil force wants to take God’s position in the name of science. They will inject the poisonous vaccine which will hijack a person’s normal physiology and cause a series of health issues, and they can simply wait for the patients to pay them to receive treatments. Americans need to get alerted to this grave danger. Diseases and even death should not be feared as much as loss of your freedom. Do not let the Evil force take your rights away. You belong to God, not any sinful human being.

The evil is trying to make you fear of death. Because of your fear, they expect you to yield all things you have, money, your body, mind and spirit, and your rights to those who want to control the earthly world. Do not fear of death. We are all dead when you look back in the future which is 100 years away. Do not give up all things simply because you are going to die.

Do not fear this conoravirus infection. Many home remedies can help prevent and cure this infection including vitamin C, vitamin D, sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride. Search the site for more details on these remedies.

In the U.S., the death rate from covid 19 is fairly low. Many preventative measures can be taken to prevent the infection from developing into serious conditions. Those who have medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, immunity-compromised patients, elderly men need to take some preventative measures. Other people do not have nothing to fear, particularly those believers.

到那時,世界即將終結。 美國作為一個國家的偉大是人們在這裡享有的自由。 您是誰有權命令上帝的子民屈服於您? 那個邪惡勢力想以科學的名義取代上帝的地位。 他們將注射有毒疫苗,這將劫持一個人的正常生理機能並導致一系列健康問題,然後他們可以簡單地等待患者付款給他們接受治療。 美國人需要警惕這一嚴重危險。 疾病和死亡甚至不應該像失去自由一樣受到恐懼。 不要讓邪惡勢力奪走您的權利。 你屬於上帝,不是任何有罪的人。

邪惡試圖讓你害怕死亡。 由於您的恐懼,他們希望您將所有擁有的東西,金錢,身體,思想和精神以及您的權利交還給那些想要控制地球世界的人。 不要害怕死亡。 回顧100年後的未來,我們都死了。 不要僅僅因為你要死就放棄一切。 特別是那些信徒。

不要擔心這種Conoravirus感染。 許多家庭療法可以幫助預防和治愈這種感染,包括維生素C,維生素D,碳酸氫鈉和氯化鎂。 在站點上搜索有關這些補救措施的更多詳細信息。

在美國,covid 19的死亡率很低。 可以採取許多預防措施來防止感染髮展成嚴重的狀況。 那些患有高血壓,糖尿病,心髒病,免疫力低下的患者,老年男性等醫療狀況的人需要採取一些預防措施。 其他人 沒有什麼可害怕的。

A new paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is trying to make a case to force all people to get vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19).

Read more here.

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