Foods for Protecting the Body & Mind: Dr. Neal Barnard 保護身體和心靈的食物:尼爾·巴納德(Neal Barnard)博士

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

Editor’s note: Dr. Neal Barnard is a veteran advocate for vegan diet. Vegan diet can no doubt provide many health benefits compared to a typical conventional diet. But eventually what to eat depends on a person’s lifestyle. Many people choose to eat a food in many cases not for its nutrients. They eat it because it tastes good. How many times when you decide what to eat, you consider its nutrition value or its safety? When you go out to eat, you tend to ask what the restaurant provides and does it serve good foods (meaning tasty goods). When you buy a food, are you guided by your knowledge in nutrition or your experience with the taste of a particular food? People acquire chronic diseases largely because they live on a unhealthy diet. Vegan diet actually can be a a tasty and healthy diet everyone likes to use. Many patients use vegan diet to cure their diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes to name a few.

編者註:尼爾·巴納德(Neal Barnard)博士是素食主義者的資深擁護者。 與典型的常規飲食相比,素食飲食無疑可以提供許多健康益處。 但是最終吃什麼取決於一個人的生活方式。 許多人選擇在很多情況下選擇食物不是因為其營養價值。 他們吃它是因為它的味道很好。 在決定吃什麼時,多少次您會考慮其營養價值或安全性? 當您考慮外出吃飯時,您往往會問餐館提供了什麼,是否提供好食物(意為美味食品)。 當您購買食物時,您是否利用您的營養知識或您對食物味道的經驗來決定是否購買?人們得慢性病的主要原因是他們使用不健康的飲食。 素食飲食實際上可以是每個人都喜歡使用的美味健康的飲食。 許多患者使用純素飲食來治愈自己的疾病,包括癌症,心髒病,糖尿病等。

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