人造二氧化硅纳米粒子诱发炎症 Man-made silica nanaparticles induce inflammation

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A study published on https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378427408012952 suggests that ingestion of man-made silica or silicon dioxide can induces the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inflammation both in vivo and in vitro.

It is commonly believed ROS promotes or speed up the aging process. These dangerous ROS can also cause cellular injury leading to chronic diseases like cancer.

Yet, silica nanoparticles are very commonly used in dietary supplements and processed foods as a flow agent or dispersing agent or white color enhancer.

Silica is added in dietary supplements and processed foods in an amount of no more than 2%. Some manufacturers may use it without disclosing it on the ingredient list or the nutrition label. This has been proved in a survey.

Early studies have proved that nanoparticles regardless of their chemical composition. Zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide (or simply silica) all can travel to various organs including the brain, the liver and the kidney and cause damage to DNA because of their rigid construction.

Nanoparticles can disrupt DNA and cause mutations which if unfortunately enough can lead to a process called carcinogenesis, cancer causing process.

Titanium dioxide has been taken out from many supplements because they realize that this type of nanoparticles can be detrimental. But all sorts of nanoparticles act similarly. Silica is no exception.








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