Authoritative new analysis links increased omega-3 intake to cardioprotection and improved cardiovascular outcomes 欧米茄3脂肪酸可预防心脏病/中风

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News Release 17-Sep-2020

Study indicates that EPA and DHA supplementation reduces multiple types of cardiovascular risk, according to Mayo Clinic Proceedings


Research News

Rochester, MN, September 17, 2020 – A new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings provides the most comprehensive analysis of the role of omega-3 dosage on cardiovascular prevention to date. The meta-analysis, which is an in-depth review of 40 clinical trials, provides authoritative evidence for consuming more EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) omega-3 fats.

The research concludes that EPA and DHA omega-3 intake is associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) events, the cause of 7.4 million deaths globally each year, and reduced risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack), including fatal heart attack.

Specifically, the study found that EPA+DHA supplementation is associated with a statistically significant reduced risk of:

  • Fatal myocardial infarction (35 percent)
  • Myocardial infarction (13 percent)
  • CHD events (10 percent)
  • CHD mortality (9 percent)

“The study supports the notion that EPA and DHA intake contributes to cardioprotection, and that whatever patients are getting through the diet, they likely need more,” said Carl “Chip” Lavie, MD, a cardiologist at Ochsner Health in New Orleans, LA, USA, and one of the study authors.

Cardiovascular benefits appear to increase with dosage. The researchers found that adding an extra 1000 mg of EPA and DHA per day decreased the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack even more: risk of cardiovascular disease events decreased by 5.8 percent and risk for heart attack decreased by 9.0 percent. The study looked at dosages of up to 5500 mg/day.

This research corroborates the results of an earlier meta-analysis from Harvard School of Public Health, published in fall 2019, that looked at EPA and DHA dosage using the 13 largest clinical studies. This new paper encompasses more than triple the number of studies, which represents the totality of the evidence to date and includes more than 135,000 study participants.

“When separate analyses arrive at similar results, that’s not only validating; it also underscores the science base needed to inform future intake recommendations,” said co-author Aldo Bernasconi, PhD, Vice President of Data Science for the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, which commissioned this study. “Because this paper included more studies and all dosages, the estimates for a dose-response are more precise and the conclusions stronger.”

EPA and DHA omega-3s are long-chain, marine-based fatty acids. Eating fish, particularly fatty fish such as salmon, anchovies and sardines, is the optimal way to get EPA and DHA omega-3s, since fish also provides other beneficial nutrients. However, most people around the world eat much less than the amount of fish recommended, so supplementing with omega-3s helps close the gap.

“People should consider the benefits of omega-3 supplements, at doses of 1000 to 2000 mg per day – far higher than what is typical, even among people who regularly eat fish,” added Dr. Lavie. “Given the safety and diminished potential for interaction with other medications, the positive results of this study strongly suggest omega-3 supplements are a relatively low-cost, high impact way to improve heart health with few associated risks and should be considered as part of a standard preventive treatment for most patients with cardiovascular diseases and those recovering from myocardial infarction.”



研究得出的结论是,摄入EPA和DHA omega-3与降低冠心病(CHD)事件的风险,每年全球740万例死亡的原因以及降低包括致命性心脏病的心肌梗塞(心脏病)的风险有关。

具体而言,该研究发现,补充EPA + DHA与降低以下风险的统计学上显着相关:


洛杉矶新奥尔良Ochsner Health心脏病专家Carl“ Chip” Lavie医师表示:“这项研究支持EPA和DHA摄入有助于心脏保护的观点,无论患者通过饮食获得什么饮食,他们都可能需要更多。 ,美国,研究作者之一。



“当单独的分析得出相似的结果时,这不仅可以验证,它也强调了为将来的摄入量推荐提供依据的科学基础。”合著者,美国犹他州盐湖城EPA和DHA Omega-3s全球组织数据科学副总裁Aldo Bernasconi博士说。 ,它委托了这项研究。 “由于本文包括了更多的研究和所有剂量,因此剂量反应的估算更加精确,结论更强。”

EPA和DHA omega-3是基于海洋的长链脂肪酸。吃鱼,特别是高脂肪鱼,例如鲑鱼,cho鱼和沙丁鱼,是获得EPA和DHA omega-3的最佳方法,因为鱼还提供了其他有益的营养物质。但是,世界上大多数人的进食量远远少于建议的鱼类摄入量,因此补充omega-3s有助于缩小差距。

拉维博士补充说:“人们应该考虑每天补充1000到2000毫克的omega-3补充剂的好处,甚至比通常食用鱼类的人都要高得多。” “鉴于安全性以及与其他药物相互作用的可能性降低,这项研究的积极结果强烈表明,omega-3补充剂是一种成本相对较低,影响较大的改善心脏健康的方法,几乎​​没有相关风险,因此应被视为一部分对大多数心血管疾病患者和从心肌梗塞中康复的患者而言,这是一种标准的预防性治疗。”

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