《拿撒勒人耶穌》四集 Jesus of Nazareth

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What differentiates humans from animals is the spirit. Man has his spirit while animals do not. When God creates the first man, He breathes into the man’s nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:07). This “qi” in Chinese means man’s spirit.  So your spirit comes from God.   Because of that, your spirit will not die after your body and soul disintegrate.

This spirit enables man to communicate with God so when man has a good relationship with God, he can sense and understand God who is Holy Spirit (spirit to spirit communication).

This spirit is why man can worship God while animals cannot. Man is created that way and is able to feel his need for God. That is why man seeks to believe in God and wants to have a good relationship with God.

In the beginning, Adam and Eve in Eden have a good relationship with God. But later, they disobey God’s rules and commit a sin for which they are driven out of Eden. This brings out a concept that many people do not sense or deny the existence of God because of their sins. This is so because their spirit becomes insensitive because of their sins.

The Bible says that God will judge everyone who died or live when Jesus – the Son of God comes back to the earth. Jesus is sent from Heaven to save humans from the bondage of sins. He dies on the cross to pacify God’s wrath so that God will not punish man for their sins. But humans need to accept the salvation by accepting this amazing grace.

You may not know this, but God does not want to punish you.  That is why he provides his salvation. Evangelists are spreading the good news.  If you have an opportunity just because you are not completely dead spiritually, wake up to seize the opportunity and accept God’s salvation.

These videos help you to know what happened to Jesus. The whole Bible points out that Jesus is the salvation. Only Jesus’s death can help a man rebuild his relationship with God. Those who reject the salvation are actually waiting to be judged by God when the time comes.

God creates man according to his image and man has all the capability to communicate with God. Think now about what you are and then start to think what’s God and who is God. And then get to know why you need to have a good relationship with God.

Be a real man as God wants to see. Do not get fooled by all the temptations from the earth. Live as a man, not animal. Be aware that the evil force does not want you to have a good relationship with God. They want you to commit sins. They may be using you to fight God. Satan will be judged, then you do not have to follow him. Make a wise choice.

May God bless those who read this message.


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