Christianity is increasingly coming under attack around the world 基督教在世界範圍內受到越來越多的攻擊

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Christians will have to face persecution in the ending of the world. In the end, the evil will control the world, and then Jesus will be coming back to earth to destroy the earthly world. The evil and its followers will be judged and punished by God!

聖經說, 在世界末日, 基督徒將不得不面對來自那反耶穌惡者的迫害。 現在, 對基督徒迫害在全球到處可見。 可見世界末日已經來了。 在世界末日里, 那惡者和他的追隨者將控制整個世界 。 然後, 耶穌將重返地球,摧毀充滿邪惡的塵世世界。 那惡者和他的追隨者會被上帝審判並受到懲罰!

Christians will be saved by God.


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