Microsoft Edge最佳瀏覽此網站 Chrome does not like this site and falsely claims this site is dangerous

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Some of our readers may have noticed that Chrome browser has blocked this site often because it claims that the site tries to get your information in an illegitimate way. This claim is 100% false. does not sell anything nor collect any information from any readers from anywhere. We figure that the reason the browser blocks this site is because this site reports all alternative information which google – the owner of Chrome, may not want to see. There are reports saying that Google along with some other big web sites like facebook is censoring content, meaning that if something does not fit its ideology or philosophy, it will try to suppress. Read some reports at for this issue.

Also we just learned that Microsoft search engine bing may be more consumer friendly. And you can earn money for your non-profit organizations or churches by using Bing. uses search content from Bing. does not track your search, unlike google. Google records every search you did.

Use Microsoft Edge to view this site.

我們的某些讀者可能已經註意到,Chrome瀏覽器經常阻止該網站,因為它聲稱該網站試圖以非法方式獲取您的信息。 此聲明是100%錯誤的。

jkzx.com不出售任何東西,也不從任何地方收集任何讀者的任何信息。 我們認為,瀏覽器阻止此網站的原因是,此網站報告了Google(Chrome的所有者)可能不希望看到的所有替代信息。 有報導稱,谷歌與其他大型網站(如Facebook)正在審查內容,這意味著,如果某些內容不符合其意識形態或哲學,它將試圖壓制。 請閱讀naturalnews.com上有關此問題的一些報告。

Microsoft Edge最佳瀏覽此網站

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