Could stop kids from using any social media platform? 能阻止孩子們使用任何社交媒體平台嗎?

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I am no fan of any social media. Because I value my privacy more than any virtual experience, good or bad. To say the least, I do not want to waste my time on any social media, believing that I have better things to do.

Neither did I want my kids to waste their precious time on any social media. It is not just their time. They are young and innocent, do not have much of social experience, and they can be vulnerable to bad influence or brain washing by bad people/organizations.

So I have practiced my due diligence to search for some software that can be used to block all social media platforms like, instagram, twitter snapchat etc. Unluckily I found no software that can do the job. Some software can block any small websites, but they dare not block any websites as big as those mentioned above.

Recently, I found It is really cheap and costs only a couple of U.S. dollars per month to subscribe to. The online app seems very easy to use. It offers some simple yet practical features. With this app, you can manage multiple devices simultaneously regardless of their operation systems. That is, it works for PC, Mac, smart phones, mobile devices and the like. All you need to do is set it up in one user account. You can decide which website to block for which time period on which day.

So I paid $20 for a year to get started. I set it up to block all social media platforms, and shopping websites, and some websites not intended for kids. Then I tested it and found I was blocked from visiting those websites on the blacklist. This made me so happy that I immediately challenged my kids to try to browse a few social media to see how effective it is.

In response, my younger kid came and tried a few sites, and he found them inaccessible now. But this did not concern my older kid. She clicked a few times, and blocked the app from working. Then she browsed all social media sites as usual.

This left me puzzled. Because I did not know what she did as she clicked so fast. It took me quite some time to figure out how she could actually disable the app. Eventually, I learned that this app needs to be running in your device to do its tricks. The problem is, the app is so designed that it virtually invites those who are not supposed to know to block it.

To block the app, all you need to do is click a few times. After you install the app, an icon stays on the desktop which everyone sees. This icon leads you to a tiny icon sitting on the task bar where you can disable the running of the app. Unfortunately, you are NOT the only person who is allowed to manage the app on the task bar. Any person who spots the icon could click on “log out” or “quit” to stop the app. Once logged out, it no longer works. It does not matter how secure your password to your account is.

The design allows my kid to break through the blockage in a few seconds. This defective design renders all its beautiful functions like multiple device managements, scheduling, freedom to block any website etc. virtually useless.

To sum up, this app does not work for those who want to shield their kids from using certain websites. You can set all things up, but your kids may figure it out. Before the app blocks any website, your kids could stop the app. Buying the app could be simply wasting money.

我不喜歡任何社交媒體。因為我珍惜我的隱私勝過任何虛擬體驗 – 無論好壞。至少可以說,我不想在任何社交媒體上浪費時間,認為自己有更好的事情可做。


因此,我已經盡職進行了調查,以尋找可以用來阻止所有社交媒體平台(例如,instagram,twitter, snapchat等)的軟件。不幸的是,我發現沒有軟件可以勝任。某些軟件可以阻止任何小型網站,但它們不敢阻止任何與上述網站一樣大的網站


所以我花了20美元一年開始使用。我將其設置為阻止所有社交媒體平台和購物網站,以及某些不適合兒童使用的網站。然後,我對其進行了測試,發現我被阻止訪問黑名單上的那些網站。這讓我感到非常高興,以至於我立即向我的孩子發起挑戰, 讓他們嘗試瀏覽一些社交媒體看看效果如何。


這讓我感到困惑。因為我不知道她是怎麼做的,因為她如此快速地點擊。我花了一些時間弄清楚她實際上是如何禁用該應用程序的。最終,我了解到此應用程序需要在您的設備中運行才能發揮作用。問題是,該應用程序是如此設計的 ,以至於實際上邀請了不該知道的人阻止它。



綜上所述,該應用程序不適用於那些希望保護孩子避免使用某些網站的人。您可以設置所有功能 ,但您的孩子可能會知道。在該應用程序阻止任何網站之前,您的孩子可以停止該應用程序 。購買該應用程序可能只是浪費錢。

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