Want to donate your DNA specimen to your government? 想要將您的DNA標本捐贈給您的政府嗎?

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You know: A criminal committed a crime, and detectors were able to collect some DNA evidence and then went back to their lab to do analysis, that is, compared the DNA from the crime scene with their DNA database. They determined whether the DNA from the scene is matched in the DNA in their database. If matched, then the suspect was identified.

Now you would understand that some crimes are not savvy enough and they leave their DNA on site without realizing the risk they have to face. But you may not know how a criminal DNA gets into the law enforcement or government’s DNA database? Do criminals donate their DNA specimen? Obviously no. In fact, not just criminals DNA can find its way into the government database, potentially everyone’s DNA can collected and stored in the government database.

How could the government get your DNA into its DNA database?

When you go to a hospital and let your doctors or nurses to collect any type for specimen like blood, urine, or other issue samples, potentially you are donating your DNA to the government. Hospitals can sell the data to the government for money. Governments make laws/regulations that demand hospitals to retain all sources of DNA or DNA or genetic information to be retained. This DNA information then gets into a database which is made available for law enforcement agencies for criminal investigations.

You may say that what is wrong with this? Actually this is not just a issue of privacy. There is a real negative implication to your health and even life. Nowadays, DNA technology is so advanced that biochemists can use to your DNA information to do many things including designing some biological weapon that can kill you without your notice.

Now sometimes, if you, an innocent person, incidentally leave your DNA on a crime scene, you may be mistakenly identified as the suspect and if you are unluckily enough, you can be mistakenly convicted. A bit scary right?

Many older men and women who ever visited a hospital may have had their DNA information collected into the government DNA database. If your DNA has not been collected, and you want your DNA information not to be collected, do not donate any specimen for any tests.

Covid 19 tests are commonly carried these days. Organizations involved in the testing either hospitals or community volunteers or your employer will keep saying the test results will be kept confidential. Really? Yeah, your information will not be seen by your neighbors, it can go into the government DNA database easily.

Organizations and individuals who want to control the populations will do whatever it takes to get your DNA. This is a valuable biological information they can use to destroy you if they need to.

Read some more about your DNA and government DNA database.








這些天通常進行Covid 19測試。參與測試的組織,無論是醫院,社區志願者還是您的雇主,都將繼續聲明測試結果將被保密。真的嗎?是的,您的信息不會被您的鄰居看到,它可以輕鬆地進入政府DNA數據庫。


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