You should be a vegan, the Bible says 你应该是素食主义者,圣经说

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Genesis 1:29-30

29 And Elohim said: Since I have given you all seed-yielding herbage that is on the face of the entire earth, and every tree on which there is the fruit of a seed-yielding tree, it shall be yours for food. 30 And to every animal of the earth, to every flyer of the heavens, and to every creeper on the earth in which there is a living soul, I have given all green herbage for food. And it came to be so.

29耶洛因( 神 )说:既然我给了你们全地所有播种草的牧草,以及每棵上种着种籽树的果实的树,那它就当你们的食物了。 30我为地上的每只动物,天上的每只飞行的动物,以及地上每一个有生灵的爬行者,都献上了所有绿色的草料作为食物。 事实是这样。

This is what our ancestors ate, and their lifespan was a few hundreds of years. After the great flood, people started eating animals, and their lifespan was shortened to only less than 100 years. Studies have already linked vegetarian diet to prolonged lifespan.

这就是我们祖先的饮食,他们的寿命长达数百年。 大洪水过后,人们开始吃动物,它们的寿命缩短到不到100年。 研究已经将素食与延长寿命联系起来。

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