快餐与心脏病发作有关 Fast food availability linked with more heart attacks

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澳大利亚阿德莱德2019年8月10日:根据CSANZ 2019的研究报告,拥有更多快餐店的地区有更多的心脏病发作。该研究还发现,每增加一个快餐店,每年每10万人就有4次心脏病发作。


研究作者,澳大利亚卡拉汉纽卡斯尔大学的Tarunpreet Saluja说:“在调整了年龄,肥胖,高血脂,高血压,吸烟状况和糖尿病后,调查结果在新南威尔士州的农村和大都市地区是一致的。 。结果强调了食物环境作为健康潜在贡献者的重要性。“

“缺血性心脏病,包括心脏病,是世界范围内死亡的主要原因之一,”Saluja先生继续说道。 “众所周知,吃快餐会导致致命和非致命性心脏病发作的可能性增加。尽管如此,快餐的购买和供应量仍在快速增长。这凸显了探索食物可用性对心脏病发作概率的作用的必要性。“




“普遍存在的快餐是农村和大都市区不断发展的重要考虑因素,”他补充道。 “与健康状况不佳的联系为心血管疾病管理增添了社区视角,并强调有必要在未来的公共卫生促进战略和立法中针对这一问题。这就是为什么ESC指南建议在社区环境中调节快餐出口密度。“3

CSANZ 2019科学计划委员会主席Tom Marwick教授说:“这是一份重要文件,记录了快餐和心脏事件之间的关联,与风险因素无关。探讨这种关联是否独立于疾病的社会决定因素至关重要,因为我们知道快餐店通常在贫困地区更为常见。尽管如此,这些发现提醒人们,公共政策的变化可能会改变心血管疾病负担的根本原因。尽管心血管疾病成本不高,但尚未采取适当的政策措施这一事实在澳大利亚仍然与世界其他地方一样神秘。“

ESC的前任主席,CSANZ 2019年ESC项目主任Jeroen Bax教授说:“解决心脏疾病需要个人责任和人口层面的行动。本研究强调了食物环境对健康的影响。除了规范快餐店的位置和密度外,当地还应该确保能够很好地进入拥有健康食品的超市。“



Fast food availability linked with more heart attacks


Adelaide, Australia 10 Aug 2019: Areas with a higher number of fast food restaurants have more heart attacks, according to research presented at CSANZ 2019.1 The study also found that for every additional fast food outlet, there were four additional heart attacks per 100,000 people each year.

The 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ) takes place 8 to 11 August in Adelaide, Australia. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and CSANZ are holding joint scientific sessions as part of the ESC Global Activities programme.2

Study author Tarunpreet Saluja of the University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia said: “The findings were consistent across rural and metropolitan areas of New South Wales and after adjusting for age, obesity, high blood lipids, high blood pressure, smoking status, and diabetes. The results emphasise the importance of the food environment as a potential contributor towards health.”

“Ischaemic heart disease, including heart attack, is one of the leading causes of death worldwide,” continued Mr Saluja. “It is known that eating fast foods is linked with a higher likelihood of fatal and nonfatal heart attacks. Despite this, there is rapid growth in the purchase and availability of fast food. This highlights the need to explore the role of food availability in the probability of having a heart attack.”

This retrospective cohort study included 3,070 patients admitted to hospital with a heart attack in the Hunter Region between 2011 to 2013. The database contained each patient’s home postcode, allowing the researchers to analyse their surrounding fast food environment.

Fast food outlets were defined as the ten most popular quick service food retailers in Australia, based on a population survey conducted in 2018. The researchers recorded the total number of outlets within each local government area and compared different areas to analyse the association between density of fast food restaurants and incidence of heart attack.

“Previous studies have shown that the poor nutritional value, high salt and saturated fat in fast food is connected to heart disease, yet the role of greater access to these restaurants has been less clear,” said Mr Saluja.

“The ubiquitous presence of fast food is an important consideration for the ongoing development of rural and metropolitan areas,” he added. “The link with poor health adds a community lens to cardiovascular disease management and stresses the need to target this issue in future public health promotion strategies and legislation. This is why ESC guidelines recommend the regulation of fast food outlet density in community settings.”3

Professor Tom Marwick, Chair of the CSANZ 2019 Scientific Programme Committee, said: “This is an important paper that documents the association between fast foods and cardiac events, independent of risk factors. It will be crucial to explore whether this association is independent of the social determinants of disease, as we know that fast food outlets are often more common in disadvantaged areas. Nonetheless, the findings are a reminder that the fundamental drivers of cardiovascular disease burden may be altered by changes in public policy. The fact that the appropriate policy steps have not been taken, despite the cost of cardiovascular disease, remains as much a mystery in Australia as elsewhere in the world.”

Professor Jeroen Bax, Past President of the ESC and course director of the ESC programme at CSANZ 2019, said: “Tackling heart disease requires individual responsibility and actions at population level. This study highlights the impact of the food environment on health. In addition to regulating the location and density of fast food outlets, local areas should ensure good access to supermarkets with healthy food.”


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Notes to editor

References and notes

1 The abstract “Impact of Fast food Outlet Density on Incidence of Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Hunter Region” is being presented during the “Clinical/Surgery Mini Oral Session” on Saturday 10 August at 12:20 to 13:20 ACST.

Sessions with ESC faculty are being held on 10 August.

3 2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice. Eur Heart J. 2016;37:2315-2381. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106.

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