幽门螺杆菌是引起胃癌的细菌。但是,携带者不必患胃癌。 H pylori is a stomach cancer causing bacteria. But carriers do not have to develop stomach cancer.

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。


3)请勿使用经过特别加工的食品。加工食品营养不足。不要认为您的饮食对健康没有任何影响。 没有合适的营养,您就有患多种疾病的风险,包括癌症。

More than 50% Asians carry H pylori. H pylori is a stomach cancer causing bacteria that can harbor in the stomach. But the cancer rate in many Asian countries is not as high as that in the West.  The recent spike in the cancer incidence in China is linked to the change of people’s lifestyle.  The point is, just because you are a H pylori carrier, does not mean that you have to suffer from cancer.  Doing the following can help you reduce your risk of stomach cancer.
1) Do not eat high salt food, like salted fish, pickle etc.  Australian scientists proved that high salt diet can force this pathogen to produce carcinogen.
2) Do not eat foods after 7:00 pm.  Japanese researchers have found that eating dinner too late can sabotage the repairing of gastric tissues and increase risk of stomach cancer
3) Do not use processed particularly deeply processed foods.  Processed foods are nutrients deficient.  Don’t think your diet does not make any difference.  Without adequate nutrition, you are at risk of various diseases including cancer.
4) Eat a lot of fresh whole foods, particularly leafy green vegetables and legumes.  Good nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants help repair damage at cellular level.  They can also boost immunity.
5) Exercise, get sunshine and have sufficient sleep.  All these are necessities for good immunity against cancer and other chronic diseases like heart disease.
6) Get your emotion under control.  Negative emotion needs to be avoided.  Fear, worry and anger are three worst emotion you can experience.  They are harmful to your health and increase risk of all sorts of cancer.
7) If what you are worried about is your life, but not your disease, then you need to pray for God’s help. Human beings can treat your diseases, but they cannot guarantee that they can save your life.(Dr. Lu)
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