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B维生素 – 许多类型的B族维生素来自植物性食物。 2005年发表在动脉粥样硬化杂志上的一项双盲,随机研究显示,服用2.5毫克叶酸,25毫克维生素B6和0.5毫克维生素B12,动脉厚度1年后降低了(通过内膜中层厚度测量)。


大蒜 – 这种食物含有大量的硫。 硫是个好动动。H2S可以来自这种食物。已知H2S对动脉健康有益。吃大蒜通血管,这就是为何吃大蒜男人容易勃起的原因。

石榴 – 这种水果富含抗氧化剂。已知抗氧化剂可防止动脉老化并帮助清除动脉中的斑块积聚。

发酵卷心菜 – 泡菜只是发酵卷心菜中的一种,含有大量活细菌和营养素,被认为是健康和有益的。

L-精氨酸:根据一些报道,这种氨基酸可以预防或减少动脉增厚 – 减少高达24%。精氨酸对男性有益,也是精子产生需要它。



维生素C – 这是众所周知的廉价水溶性维生素,提供一系列的健康益处。它可以帮助减缓衰老过程,并有助于预防动脉粥样硬化和心血管疾病。

What you can eat to prevent heart disease

Man can be as old as his artery is. Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the developed countries. But heart disease in many cases can be prevented or reversed with some dietary intervention.

The following can help heart health, according to peer-reviewed, published research reports.

B Vitamins – Many types of B vitamins come from plant based foods. A doubled-blind, randomized study, published in 2005, in the journal Atherosclerosis showed taking 2.5 mg folic acid, 25 mg Vitamin B6, and 0.5mg Vitamin B12 for 1 year reduced arterial thickness (as measured by intima media thickness).

Even niacin or folic acid has been shown to have some good effect in cardiovascular patients. But one should be aware of the potential risk of synthetic folic acid which is commonly used as fortifier for flours. Studies show that fortification of synthetic folate is linked to increased risk of cancer.

Garlic – This food contains a lot of sulfur. H2S can be derived from this food. H2S is known to be good for artery health.

Pomegranate – This fruit is full of antioxidants. Antioxidants are known to protect against artery aging and help clean up plaque buildup in the arteries.

Fermented cabbage – Kimchi is only one of fermented cabbage, which comes with a lot of live bacteria and nutrients which are considered healthy and beneficial.

L-Arginine: This amino acid can prevent or reduce arterial thickening – up to 24% reduction, according to some reports. Arginine is good for men and is a precursor to sperm too.

Turmeric (curcumin): the main polyphenol in the Indian curry. Curcumin the major compound in turmeric has been found to be an excellent cardio protective. This compound is also protective against diabetes and cancer!

Sesame seed: One of the best foods you can eat. But remember to eat raw sesame seeds. Roasted sesame seed is not as healthy as raw sesame seed. Sesame seed is as effective as Tylenol for arthritic pain which is caused by inflammation. Because its anti-inflammatory properties, this food can also protect against heart disease and prevent atherosclerosis lesion formation.

Vitamin C – this is well known cheap water soluble vitamin which provides a range of health benefits. It can help slow the aging process and help prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

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