Covid shots get you toxic graphene oxide, how to get rid of it? Covid疫苗讓你有毒的氧化石墨烯,如何擺脫它?

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Graphene oxide has been found in large quantity in all covid 19 vaccines.  Graphene oxide is highly toxic.  It causes the same symptoms as “covid 19” including thrombogenicity, thrombi, blood clotting multi-organ inflammation, collapse of the immune system and induction of cytokine storm, bilateral pneumonias, and loss of taste and smell (anosmia).

This similarity prompted some scientists to speculate that the so called “covid 19 disease” is actually caused by graphene oxide.  Some people suspect that the so called Omicron variant may come with a covid 19 vaccine.  The present of graphene oxide may offer an explanation as to why the overwhelming majority of Omicron are found in the vaccinated.

Graphene oxide has now found more applications and can contaminate foods, water, personal hygiene products, medications in addition to 22 types of vaccines.  Graphene oxide can also come with other products such as masks, test swabs, hydrogels etc.

When your body is full of glutathione, you may not feel much of harm done by graphene oxide.  But when the level of glutathione is too low due to whatever reasons like age, physical stress, exposure to radiation and infection etc., then the symptom of graphene oxide will show up.  This also explains why kids are not likely to acquire the so-called covid 19 because they have high levels of glutathione.

No matter how graphene oxide gets into human bodies, this toxin can cause a wide range of damage to human bodies.  Good news is that human bodies can naturally degrade graphene oxide in neutrophil extracellular traps because of the presence of glutathione.  That is why they want to inject multiple shots of covid 19 vaccines. Repeated injections maintain graphene oxide levels enough to cause damage.

Ricardo Delgado who and his colleagues first discovered graphene oxide in all covid vaccines suggested the following supplements to help “neutralize” graphene oxide in human bodies:

  1. N-Acetyl cysteine in a dose of 750 mg taken in the morning. This amino acid is strong reducing agent per se.  It can also be converted into glutathione, which is even more potent.
  2. Glutathione – this is the ultimate or master reservoir of antioxidants that human bodies to use to counteract free radicals and oxidants.
  3. Zinc, 25 to 50 mg per day taken in the morning.
  4. Astaxanthin – highly potent antioxidant, available 5 or 10 mg per capsule.  It is advised that this antioxidant should be avoided in vaccination. You should know why know because it can potentially destroy graphene oxide.
  5. Quercetin – 500 mg per day.
  6. Vitamin D3. Even though not as potent as quercetin and astaxanthin.
  7. Milk thistle.  It can detoxify the liver or protect the liver.
  8. Melatonin.  1 mg or higher. Taken at night. Check instruction on the label of the supplement.  This antioxidant help protect against radiation.

The graphene oxide needs to be eliminated before 5G technology comes out.  Graphene oxide in vaccinated people or others who are exposed to it in other ways exert toxicity to multiple organs.  But 5G  can induce graphene oxide to do more damage and cause severe health conditions or death.

Watch the following video  – Supplements to degrade graphene – Ricardo Delgado Martín of La Quinta Column for details

在所有covid 19疫苗中都大量發現了氧化石墨烯。 氧化石墨烯具有劇毒。 它引起與”covid 19″相同的癥狀,包括血栓形成,血栓,血液凝固多器官炎症,免疫系統崩潰和細胞因數風暴誘導,雙側肺炎以及味覺喪失(嗅覺喪失)。

這種相似性促使一些科學家推測,所謂的”covid 19病”實際上是由氧化石墨烯引起的。 有些人懷疑所謂的Omicron變體可能帶有covid 19疫苗。 氧化石墨烯的存在可以解釋為什麼絕大多數Omicron都存在於接種疫苗中。

氧化石墨烯現在已經發現了更多的應用,除了22種類型的疫苗外,還可以污染食品,水,個人衛生用品,藥物。 氧化石墨烯也可以與其他產品一起提供,如口罩,測試拭子,水凝膠等。

當你的身體充滿谷胱甘肽時,你可能不會感覺到氧化石墨烯造成的傷害。 但是,當谷胱甘肽的水平由於年齡,身體壓力,暴露於輻射和感染等任何原因而過低時,氧化石墨烯的癥狀就會顯現出來。 這也解釋了為什麼孩子們不太可能獲得所謂的covid 19,因為他們含有高水準的谷胱甘肽。

無論氧化石墨烯如何進入人體,這種毒素都會對人體造成廣泛的損害。 好消息是,由於谷胱甘肽的存在,人體可以自然降解中性粒細胞外陷阱中的氧化石墨烯。 這就是為什麼他們想注射多針covid 19疫苗。反覆注射可保持氧化石墨烯水準足以造成損害。

Ricardo Delgado和他的同事首先在所有covid疫苗中發現了氧化石墨烯,他建議使用以下補充劑來説明「中和」人體內的氧化石墨烯:

  • 早上服用 750 毫克的 N-乙酰半胱氨酸。這種氨基酸本身就是強還原劑。它還可以轉化為更有效的穀胱甘肽。
  • 穀胱甘肽 – 這是人體用來對抗自由基和氧化劑的最終或主要抗氧化劑儲存庫。
  • 鋅,每天早上服用 25 至 50 毫克。
  • 蝦青素 – 高效抗氧化劑,每粒膠囊含 5 或 10 毫克。建議在接種疫苗時避免使用這種抗氧化劑。您應該知道為什麼知道,因為它可能會破壞氧化石墨烯。
  • 槲皮素 – 每天 500 毫克。
  • 維生素D3。儘管不如槲皮素和蝦青素有效。
  • 褪黑激素。 1 毫克或更高。晚上拍的。檢查補充劑標籤上的說明。這種抗氧化劑有助於防止輻射。

在5G技術出來之前,氧化石墨烯需要被淘汰。接種疫苗的人或其他以其他方式接觸它的人體內的氧化石墨烯會對多個器官產生毒性。但是 5G 會導致氧化石墨烯造成更大的傷害並導致嚴重的健康狀況或死亡。

觀看以下視頻 – 降解石墨烯的補充劑 – La Quinta專欄的Ricardo Delgado Martín了解詳細資訊.

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