Sunscreen may hurt you | 防晒霜可能会伤害你

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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

Indeed, exposure to the sun can promote the aging process. But don’t forget that aging is a natural process and you cannot stop it. Anything that is used to artificially prevent the aging process can harm your health.

Many people, especially women, like to use sunscreens on their faces and hands to prevent the sun from hitting them. They don’t know that this simple behavior can actually cause a lot of damage to their health.

The biggest hazard is that sunscreen can prevent the sun from shining on the skin, thereby preventing the production of vitamin D (vitamin D). Vitamin D is very important to your health. Vitamin D deficiency is related to more than 100 health conditions, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression.

Another type of damage is that nano particles used in sunscreens can cause damage to the skin.

Men and women, especially the young and old, and pregnant women should always stay outdoors to expose themselves to the sun so that they can get enough vitamin D. During the hottest part of the day, the sun will make your face Exposing your bare hands to the sun for 15 to 20 minutes will give you enough vitamin D.

Vitamin D can also be used to treat many diseases, including cancer. As many as 17 cancers are related to vitamin D deficiency. An experienced alternative doctor will recommend high-dose vitamin D as an anti-cancer therapy.

Saturday March 2, 2019 ( —  确实,暴露在阳光下可以促进衰老过程。但不要忘记,衰老是一个自然过程,你无法阻止它。任何习惯于人为地防止老化过程的东西都可以伤害你的健康。

许多人,特别是女性,喜欢使用防晒霜 (sunscreens) 来在她们的脸和手上以防阳光照射到他们。他们不知道这个简单的行为实际上会对他们的健康造成很大的伤害。

最大的危害是防晒霜可以防止阳光照射到皮肤上,从而防止维生素D (vitamin D) 的产生。维生素D对您的健康非常重要。维生素D缺乏与100多种健康状况有关,包括癌症 (cancer),心脏病 (heart disease),糖尿病 (diabetes),骨质疏松症 (osteoporosis)和抑郁症 (depression) 等。

另一种类型的伤害是防晒剂中使用的纳米材料 (nano particles)会对皮肤造成伤害。

男性和女性,特别是年轻人和老年人以及孕妇应该经常呆在户外,以便暴露在阳光下,这样他们就可以获得足够的维生素D.  在一天中最热的时候,阳光照射,让你的脸和裸露的双手暴露在阳光下15至20分钟会给你足够的维生素D.




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