Artemisinin and its derivatives help fight various cancers | 青蒿素及其衍生物具有良好的抗癌效果

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Artemisinin and its derivatives help fight various cancers

Artemisinin is isolated from a plant named Qing Hao or Sweet sagewort, Sweet wormwood or Annual wormwood.  It has been recommended as the first-line treatment for malaria by the World Health Organization.  The Chinese scientist Tu Youyou won a Nobel prize for her work on this compound.

In addition to its efficacy against malaria, Artemisinin and its derivatives can be one of most effective cancer treatments with minimal side effects. Lab studies and animal trials have proved the efficacy of anticancer against a wide variety of cancers including breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, endometrial cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, gallbladder cancer, lymphoma, melanoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, oral cancer, osteosarcoma, ovarian cancer, neurolastoma, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, skin Cancer and thyroid cancer.

However, human trials are rarely reported. This does not mean that this anticancer therapy is not worthy of human trials. In fact, an very potent chemotherapy may not get any opportunity of being tested in any human trial. It is not the best interest of the cancer industry to promote and sell the best cancer treatments or chemotherapies.

Some reports from cancer clinicians from some countries such as Vietnam suggest that the cancer treatment with artemisinin and its derivatives along with other anticancer agents such as vitamin C and fish oil or omega 3 fatty acids is a very effective treatment.

The important thing for cancer patients who want to give artemisinin a try to know is the dosage. Low doses have been proved to be ineffective while high doses can be toxic to healthy cells.


青蒿素是从一种名为青蒿或甜艾草,甜艾草或一年生艾草的植物中分离出来的。 它被世界卫生组织推荐为疟疾的一线治疗药物。 中国科学家屠呦呦因其在这个药物方面的工作而获得诺贝尔奖。

除了它对抗疟疾的功效, 青蒿素及其衍生物可以是最有效的癌症治疗方法之一,副作用最小。实验室研究和动物试验证明了抗癌药物对多种癌症的疗效,包括乳腺癌,宫颈癌,结肠癌,子宫内膜癌,胃癌,肝癌,白血病,肺癌,淋巴瘤,黑色素瘤,鼻咽癌,口腔癌,骨肉瘤,卵巢癌,胰腺癌,前列腺癌,皮肤癌和甲状腺癌。





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