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Beta carotene helps breast cancer patients’ survival

(JKZX.COM)SAT JAN 5, 2019 –If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, make sure that you have high intake of beta-carotene because beta-carotene may help you survive.  This is what a study released in 1994 suggests.

The study based on data from breast cancer patients found that the six-year survival rate was highest among those who had highest intake of beta-carotene.

More specifically, in the group of breast cancer patients who had the highest intake of beta-carotene, one patient died, as compared to eight and 12 in the groups of average intake and low intake of this nutrient, respectively.   The difference is huge.

What does this study mean?  It means that breast cancer patients maybe many other types of cancer patients should eat a lot of vegetables with high beta carotene if they want to have a long term survival.

Be aware of rumors circulated in many irresponsible news outlets and blogs which promote use of animal derived foods.  Eating animal derived foods like meat and dairy foods can be equivalent to trying to suicide.

D Ingram, Diet and subsequent survival in women with breast cancer, British Journal of Cancer volume 69, pages 592–595 (1994)

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