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Foods high in vitamin B-17

Vitamin B 17 is not recognized as a vitamin by the nutritional industry and medical industry.  Vitamin B 17 is a compound called amygdalin.  Its synthetic form of this compound is also known as laetrile.

Some alternative doctors use it to treat cancer and foods that contain high amounts of amygdalin are also recommended for cancer patients’ consumption.

It has been observed that people eat a lot of vitamin B 17 containing foods like apricot kernels have a very lower risk for cancer.  That is why some cancer patients try vitamin B 17 for their cancer.  Studies also indicate that this compound is effective against various forms of cancers.  But formal clinical trials have never been conducted.  Some people claim that the medical industry and the government do not want to continue research on this compound even though preliminary studies show promising results.

In any case, sporadic reports/individual testimonies indicate that vitamin B 17 indeed helps some cancer patients to cure their cancer even though it does not work in every cancer patient with the same efficacy.  Some doctors who have experience using vitamin B17 to treat cancer patients suggest that this compound is not a cure and patients should not rely on it as a monotherapy to treat their cancer.

However, many people believe all people particularly cancer patients should eat as much foods with vitamin B 17 as possible.  This needs to continue even after patients cure their cancer.   Some people call it a vitamin because they believe healthy people need it to maintain their health and protect against diseases like cancer.

More than 1200 foods contain vitamin B17.  Foods with vitamin B17 tend to taste bitter so many people do not like eating any of those foods.  That is why people tend to be vitamin B17 deficient.

The foods that contain high or modest amounts of vitamin B17 include the following

Fruits – wild blackberry, choke cherry, wild crabapple, Swedish (lignon) cranberry, currant, elderberry, gooseberry, huckleberry, loganberry, mulberry, quince and raspberry.

Seeds – apple seeds, apricot seed, buckwheat, cherry seed, flax, millet, nectarine seed, peach seed, pear seeds, plum seed, prune seed, and squash seeds.

Beans – fava beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, lentils beans, lima beans, Burma beans and           mung beans.

Nuts (all raw) – bitter almond and macadamia.

Sprouts – alfalfa sprouts, bamboo shoots, fava beans, garbanzo beans, and mung beans.

Leaves – alfalfa and eucalyptus .

Tubers – cassava and yam. (David Liu)

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