Covid 19 prevention and early treatment recommended by FLCCC Alliance FLCCC聯盟推薦的Covid 19預防和早期治療

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Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance) recommends the following for

General covid 19 prevention

Ivermectin – 0.2 mg/kg take with or after meal twice a week as long as the risk lasts in your community. This is for chronic or long term prevention. If you get covid 19 and prevent severe outcomes from occurring, take 0.4 mg/kg per dose with or after meal on the day you start taking the medicine. And then once very two weeks.

Ivermectin is a new start drug that has been found extremely effective.  News broke that taking this prescription drug can eradicate 97% cases including lots of deaths.

Other preventatives including

Vitamin D3 – 1000 to 3000 IU per day  9 out 10 deaths can be avoided if vitamin D is sufficient.
Vitamin C – 500 to 1000 mg per dose twice a day. Two thirds of death can be prevented with sufficient vitamin C.
Quercetin – 250 mg per day. Queretin itself is anti-covid 19 and also helps get zinc into cells and zinc is critical in boosting immunity against covid 19.
Zinc (elemental, not compound), – 30 to 40 mg per day. The key element in fighting covid 19.
Melatonin – 6 mg prior to bedtime. Melatonin actually help suppress viral duplication.
Gargle mouthwash twice a day (do not swallow it). Cleaning reduces the risk of infection.

Early outpatient protocol

The medicines and supplements are showed below

Ivermectin – 0.4 to 0.6 mg/kg per day for five days or until recovered.  This is antimalarial drug.  Function is similar to hydroxychloroquine – another antimalarial medication.

Fluvoxamine – 50 mg twice a day for 10 to 14 days. Use if when only needed. See details on the FLCCC website/
Vitsmin D – 4000 IU per day
Vitamin C – 500 to 1000 my twice per day (can be higher –
Quercetin – 250mg twice per day
Zinc – 100 mg per day
Melatonin – 10 mg prior to bedtime
Aspirin – 325 mg per day (unless you are not allowed to take it because of contraindication or other medical reasons).  This is to reduce inflammation.

一般covid 19預防

伊維菌素 – 0.2 毫克/公斤,每週兩次隨餐或餐後服用,只要風險在您的社區持續存在。這是為了慢性或長期預防。如果您感染了 covid 19 並防止發生嚴重後果,請在開始服藥當天在餐前或餐後服用每劑 0.4 毫克/千克。然後兩週一次。

伊維菌素是一種新的起始藥物,已被發現非常有效。有消息稱,服用這種處方藥可以根除 97% 的病例,包括大量死亡病例。


維生素 D3 – 每天 1000 到 3000 國際單位 如果維生素 D 充足,則可以避免十分之九的死亡。
維生素 C – 每天兩次,每次 500 至 1000 毫克。充足的維生素 C 可以預防三分之二的死亡。
槲皮素 – 每天 250 毫克。槲皮素本身是抗 covid 19 的,也有助於將鋅帶入細胞,而鋅對於提高對 covid 19 的免疫力至關重要。
鋅(元素,非化合物), – 每天 30 至 40 毫克。對抗covid 19的關鍵要素。
褪黑激素 – 睡前 6 毫克。褪黑激素實際上有助於抑制病毒複製。



伊維菌素 – 每天 0.4 至 0.6 毫克/公斤,持續五天或直至康復。這是抗瘧藥。功能類似於羥氯喹——另一種抗瘧藥。

氟伏沙明 – 50 毫克,每天兩次,持續 10 至 14 天。僅在需要時使用。請參閱 FLCCC 網站上的詳細信息/
Vitsmin D – 每天 4000 IU
維生素 C – 500 到 1000 我每天兩次(可以更高 –
槲皮素 – 每天兩次 250 毫克
鋅 – 每天 100 毫克
褪黑激素 – 睡前 10 毫克
阿司匹林 – 每天 325 毫克(除非由於禁忌症或其他醫療原因不允許您服用)。這是為了減少炎症。


See details on FLCCC website.

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