The most important factor in determining the length of life is mood 决定寿命长短最重要的因素是心情

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Comments: To put it simply: simple tea and light food, pure heart and few desires. However, it should be noted that no matter how good your mood is, if you don’t eat well, you will die early. Many cancers and heart diseases are caused by eating.

Hot post: It is not food and exercise that determine the length of life, but it (Figure)

Source: KZG

The way to live a long life summarized by Nobel laureate Elizabeth et al. is: if a person wants to live a hundred years, reasonable diet accounts for 25%, others account for 25%, and the role of psychological balance accounts for 50%. “Stress hormones” can damage the body.

When people are happy, the brain will secrete beneficial sex hormones such as dopamine to relax and balance the mind and promote health.

How do you understand the “psychological balance” that affects half of the reasons for longevity? How should we do it? Psychological research has found that when a person loses his temper, the body produces enough stress hormones to kill mice. Therefore, “stress hormone”, also known as “toxic hormone”.

“The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic” also said: “All diseases are born of qi. Anger causes qi to rise, joy causes qi to slow down, sadness causes qi to stagnate, fright causes qi to become disordered, and fatigue causes qi to drain…” So heal the disease first ” Heart”.

Modern medicine has found that: cancer, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, irregular menstruation, etc., 65% to 90% of human diseases are related to psychological depression. Therefore, such diseases are called psychosomatic diseases.

If people are restless, angry, nervous, etc. all day, so that the level of stress hormones remains high for a long time, the body’s immune system will be suppressed and destroyed, and the cardiovascular system will become particularly vulnerable due to long-term overwork. When people are happy, the brain will secrete “good sex hormones” such as dopamine. Beneficial hormones make people relax and feel pleasure. This kind of good state of physical and mental comfort can make the various functions of the human body coordinate and balance each other, and promote health.

So, what should we do in life to secrete more happy “beneficial hormones” and reduce “stress hormones”?

1. Determine a goal and think hard

A “high sense of purpose” can have health benefits, new research suggests. Whether there are pursuits in life determines a person’s mentality, and then determines his physical condition. The brain blood vessels of people who are diligent in thinking are stretched. Therefore, regular use of the brain can promote the metabolism of the brain and delay aging.

After retirement, middle-aged and elderly friends can go to senior colleges to learn calligraphy, dancing, singing, painting, etc., so as to keep their brains active.

2. Help others

The researchers found that giving “material” help to others can reduce the fatality rate by 42%; giving spiritual support to others can reduce the fatality rate by 30%. Be kind to others, often do good deeds, and you will have an indescribable sense of joy and pride in your heart, which in turn reduces the level of stress hormones and promotes the secretion of “beneficial hormones”.

3. Family Harmony

A harmonious family and being happy with friends is one of the secrets of longevity.

Two professors of psychology in the United States have accumulated 20 years of research and found that: Among the decisive factors affecting life expectancy, “interpersonal relationship” ranks first. Relationships include not only relationships with friends, but also relationships with family members. A harmonious family and being happy with friends is one of the secrets of longevity.

4. Give kindness

When we smile at others, others smile back. This kindness includes: praise, humor, smile, respect, comity, easy-going, tolerance, forgiveness, understanding, sympathy, loyalty, listening, etc. When you are in a bad mood, angry and depressed, it will also affect the catharsis of the liver, resulting in stagnation of qi and blood in the liver and liver meridians. Emotion is a human instinct, but in a highly competitive living environment, people’s mental pressure will naturally increase, so various negative emotions will often affect people’s health.

Cultivating the mind, meditating, cultivating the mind, and regulating consciousness and emotions are common sense of health preservation in itself. A calm mind will lead to a safe body, a safe body will lead to a healthy body, and a healthy mind will lead to fewer diseases. Kinetic energy produces yang, and yang qi is strong and accessible, leading to smooth flow of qi and blood, plump muscles, and strong bones and muscles. The mind should be quiet, the body should be moving, and the nutrition should be balanced without excess. These are the three magic weapons of health preservation.

In fact, it is not only food and exercise that determine the length of a person’s life, but also a happy mood and a positive attitude are also very important. (Translated by google translate without editing.  please read carefully)



热帖:决定寿命长短不是吃和运动 而是它(图)









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