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Contact Dr. Lu for information about cancer treatments。聯繫盧博士,獲取有關癌症治療資訊。

编者的话:这消息说明一个问题,很多健康问题是由农药与转基因食品引起的。Jeffrey Smith 是转基因食品知识最丰富的人之一。


事实是,切换到有机的非转基因食品可以导致惊人的健康恢复。观看此视频剪辑与Michelle Perro博士和杰弗里·史密斯于9月6日在加利福尼亚州圣罗莎的传家宝种子节录制。

在这部影片中,杰弗里·史密斯(Jeffrey Smith)介绍了儿科医生米歇尔·佩罗(Michelle Perro),他描述了当儿童和家庭转向有机饮食时,她所看到的戏剧性改善。在她的第一个故事中,听父母的健康发生了什么事情,当家庭转用有机食物来适应自闭症儿子的需要时。还要注意Perro博士患者的恢复发生速度有多快。

在Jeffrey Smith和他的联合总监Amy Hart从即将到来的电影秘密配料“Secret Ingredients”中播出了漫长的时光之后,这次采访最初是由iPhone在Facebook Live上从传家宝种子博览会的舞台上捕获到的。

在电影中的佩罗博士指的是凯瑟琳,他也在电影里。凯瑟琳的家人中有五口人有二十一个健康问题 。他们切换到有机食物,一切改变。




In this issue:
  • The facts are that switching to an organic, non-GMO diet can lead to amazing health recovery.  Watch this video clip with Dr. Michelle Perro, M.D., and Jeffrey Smith captured live at the Heirloom Seeds Festival in Santa Rosa, CA, on September 6th.

In this video clip, Jeffrey Smith introduces pediatrician, Michelle Perro, M.D. who describes the dramatic improvements she has seen when children and families switch to organic diets.

In her first story, listen to what happened to the health of the father when the family switched to organic food to accommodate the needs of their autistic son.  Also note just how fast the recoveries occur in Dr. Perro’s patients.

This interview was originally captured by iPhone on Facebook Live from the stage at the Heirloom Seed Expo just after Jeffrey Smith and his co-director, Amy Hart, played an extended excerpt from their forthcoming film, Secret Ingredients.

Dr. Perro, who is in the film, refers to Kathleen, who is also in the film.  Kathleen’s family had 21 chronic conditions between the five of them. . .until they switched to organic food.

To watch the trailer for Secret Ingredients, go toSecretIngredientsMovie.com.

The experiences described by Dr. Perro are repeated in the practices of thousands of healthcare practitioners around the U.S.  Over and over again, they see unprecedented recoveries from a range of serious diseases and chronic health conditions after their patients start eating organic.

Please share this clip widely, so it can inspire others to take the critical steps to healthier eating.

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